525 search results for "free speech"

Tommy Robinson has filmed an impassioned plea to Donald Trump, asking the President and his administration to grant him and his family political asylum in the United States. In a video aired by InfoWars and later uploaded to social media, Robinson states: My name is Tommy Robinson, today I am calling on the help of Donald Trump, his administration, and the Republican Party, to grant me and my family political asylum in the United States of America. Robinson went on to say: I’ve been found guilty of exercising what is the equivalent of exercising First Amendment rights. Benjamin Franklin had…

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Under current defamation law, social media users can be held legally responsible for third-party content on any post they make. The guiding rule seems to be: You posted it. You incited it. Ergo, you’re responsible for it. In other words, anything someone posts on my timeline or writes in the comments section, that is deemed offensive, defamatory or “hate speech” could end in a lawsuit. For those who only have a private Facebook account, there is currently no mechanic to prevent this from happening. The only real preventative measure is to keep an eye on comments or keep your friends…

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It’s clear that Israel Folau is the latest target of media elites, intellectuals, and woke corporate executives. Just take a look at Mark Powell’s recent post and you’ll get a glimpse of how far their attacks have gone. While many support Folau’s right to express his convictions, what’s not clear is how we are supposed to go about doing this. Here are five practical ways you can be supporting Folau and his family at this time: 1. Pray for Israel, his family, and those who are persecuting him We ought to be praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ;…

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Since the re-definition of marriage, no one is denying the validity of the “slippery slope” argument anymore. Instead, they’re simply shaking their heads and wondering, “Has the world  gone mad?!” It seems as though the world is hurtling down the slope faster than the Gadarene swine. According to The Australian, even Gillian Triggs, the former head of the Human Rights Commission, has accused the corporate sponsors of Maria Folau’s netball team of “bullying”. Media pundits, business leaders, as well as current—and former—sporting heroes all seem to be in front of the pack but, as Andrew Bolt rightly points out, one…

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You know that things have really spiralled downward when Princeton atheist and bioethicist — Peter Singer — is defending Israel Folau and his freedom to express his Christian convictions. Singer writes: [Folau’s] post no more expresses hatred toward homosexuals than cigarette warnings express hatred toward smokers. The only rational reason that anyone would get so upset about Folau’s post is if you actually believe that he is speaking the truth about heaven and hell. Singer continues: [Folau’s beliefs] do not trouble me, because there is, in my view, no god, no afterlife, and no hell. Nor do I differentiate, ethically,…

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In a nation that worships our sport and our sporting elites, Liz Ellis is a beloved Australian sporting hero. Liz played 122 netball games representing Australia, four years of which were as captain. Her personality displayed in the media is down to earth, her relative modesty and unassuming humour make it easy to like her. She seems like she should be a voice of moderation. But yesterday Liz Ellis effectively accused Maria Folau of supporting or endorsing homophobia in a comment on Twitter. There are serious problems with Liz’s comments, problems which reveal a toxic practice of intolerance and bigotry against…

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An Emily’s Voice promotional which featured the words, “a heart beats at four weeks”, on four Newcastle buses has been removed. The action was taken after an outraged Newcastle resident accused the pro-life promotional material of being “dangerous propaganda; a guilt driven directive on what [a woman should] do with their body.” The complaint was posted on Facebook to the NSW Transport Minister’s page and “action was immediately taken” to tear the material down. Emily’s Voice is an organization that seeks to encourage people to consider alternatives to abortion. Their mission is to “help Australians fall in love with the…

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The opening sentence of Jacques Ellul’s, ‘Islam and Judeo-Christianity: A Critique of their commonality’, reads, ‘For nearly a decade, French intellectuals, generally speaking, have been seized with an excessive affection for Islam.’ (p.3) What follows is a ninety-four-page treatise on the reasons for why this excessive affection is not only dangerous but misguided. Ellul acknowledges the existence of a disproportionate tolerance of Islam. He then compares that to the disdain of how French intellectuals have been interacting with Judeo-Christianity (Biblical Christianity), since the 1960s’. The reason for this excessive affection is due to Islam’s proximity to Marxism (“scientific” socialism). Roger…

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Progressivism has become so pervasive that it’s about time that a children’s book is written on the political left. We’ve all been wanting to understand those big words that are thrown around time and time again and so, for social education of knuckle-dragging-cave-dwelling-deplorables everywhere, here are your 21st century ABC’s. A is for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AOC: The Fresh New Face of the Democratic Party, or as Ben Shapiro says, “So fresh. So face.” Never before have the ideals of communism been espoused in such eloquence and grandeur than through the lips of this 21st century feminist prophet. According to AOC,…

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The separation between Church and State is not a divide between secular and sacred. Nor is this separation a divide between public and private. Church and State are spheres of authority within the structure of good government. Simply put: one wields the sword, the other the truth of the Gospel. As such the Gospel balances out the ideology behind who gets to yield the sword, when, why and how. This is why every totalitarian state either twists theology or purges Christians and the Christian faith. They need to suppress God’s moral standard for His creatures, in order to justify their…

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It is slowly starting to dawn on some Labor voters that Australians with a traditional Christian worldview are feeling somewhat targeted. Entirely unremarkable beliefs consistent with the last few millennia of Christian doctrine have somehow become as repulsive as racism. Instead of debating our ideas, self-described ‘progressives’ attribute a diagnosis of phobia, a pathological mental disorder. Labor frontbencher Chris Bowen belled the cat, warning that religious Australians believe the ALP has abandoned them, according to a report in today’s The Australian. “I have noticed as I have been around during the election campaign, and even in the days since, how…

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Saturday’s election saw Australians choose freedom and individual responsibility, over surrendering their country to globalist bureaucrats and their inherent totalitarianism. Against all mainstream media predictions which had handed the Labor/Green opposition the 2019 election, the discerning voter – Morrison’s “quiet Australians” – made their voice heard. In many ways, the outcome of the election illustrates that Leftists within the leftwing media are not reporting properly or honestly. They have a narrative and expect people to fall in line with it. This is the way we want you to vote, so “vote as we tell you to vote, or else.” Caldron…

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On May 8, 2019, One Nation MP Mark Latham delivered his maiden speech to the New South Wales Parliament. Alan Jones called it the most outstanding political speech he had ever read. “It should be printed in every newspaper in the country,” Jones said. “It should be read by every school child, better still, read by every university lecturer who preaches left-wing, politically correct rubbish.” During the speech, Latham threw his support behind rugby star Israel Folau, saying he will use his time in NSW Parliament to push for the protection of religious freedom. “No Australian should live in fear…

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Facebook overlords snapped their fingers today, and just like that, purged their platform of political and social commentators Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, and Milo Yiannopoulos among others. The social media giant announced the permanent suspension of the “dangerous individuals” for violating the company’s policies on hate speech and promoting violence. “We’ve always banned individuals or organisations that promote or engage in violence and hate, regardless of ideology,” a Facebook spokesperson said. “The process for evaluating potential violators is extensive and it is what led us to our decision to remove these accounts today.” Following his deletion, Paul Joseph Watson…

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The senate ballot paper can be daunting. This year, in SA, there are forty-two candidates, most of whose names you have never heard of before. Six of them will end up sitting in the Senate, deciding Australian Legislation for the next six years. That’s an important job, so we should look closely and think about who we will vote for. This article is, hopefully, a good starting point to work out how you will vote if you happen to be a South Australian. I’m going to introduce all the parties/candidates and the basic propositions that they represent. I’ve grouped them…

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This week, Canadian, M.P. and Conservative, Candice Bergen (not to be confused with the American actress of the same name), took the opportunity to make a public statement on behalf of Christians. In direct contrast to the vicious ambiguity employed by leading Democrats in the United States, who referred to the victims of the Easter Sunday suicide bombings in Sri Lanka, as “Easter Worshippers”, Bergen spoke plainly. The Canadian Conservative M.P. acknowledged that the perpetrators of the attacks were Islamic extremists who had deliberately targeted the Christian community in Sri Lanka. Addressing the Canadian parliament, Bergen urged the West to…

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It’s wonderful news that all of a sudden Rugby Union Australia believe in God, Heaven and Hell. Many of us had been under the distinct impression they were largely indifferent to Christian theology and doctrine. All that was cleared up marvellously though when they judged the record try scorer of all time, Israel Folau, to be more immoral than the philandering, drunken cokeheads which litter the various Australian football codes. His unconscionable crime was that of claiming to know of an objective standard by which Scripture warns all men are measured, a standard accepted and preached for centuries, if not…

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In August 1939, the Soviets signed a non-aggression treaty with the Nazis. This treaty was called the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact and it allowed the Soviets room to explore Stalin’s expansionist policies. Largely hidden behind the grotesque Abyss of National Socialism’s dark reach for Europe in 1940, Stalin’s Communist forces moved into Poland and Finland.  The Soviet offensive against Poland began in September, 1939; the offensive against Finland (known as The Winter War) began in November. Unlike, Poland, Finland had the benefit of only fighting a war on one front. ‘The Winter War’ ended five months later. Finland lost some territory, but…

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A masked protester has been arrested after spraying a mysterious substance on conservative commentator Michael Knowles. The attack on the Daily Wire columnist took place at the University of Missouri-Kansas City yesterday, where Knowles was invited to speak as a guest of the university’s conservative group Young American’s for Freedom. Knowles was about 15-minutes into his speech titled, ‘Men are Not Women’ when the masked attacker approached the podium, spraying Knowles with an unknown substance ‘designed to smell like bleach’. Police promptly took down the attacker and arrested him at the scene as other protesters chanted, “Hands up, don’t shoot,”…

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It seems like only yesterday when established media platforms were trusted beyond rational hesitation. Where we wouldn’t question what we were told or could even imagine monopoly platforms with such power could lie or at least not tell the truth. Now it’s either harder to find the truth, or we have been given enough reasons to query what we are told. Never in modern times has there been such doubt and distance between the common citizen and their chosen media mogul. De-platforming, de-monetisation and censorship of right-wing pages and free thought intellects has become almost normal. Too many people are…

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