817 search results for "COvid"

Episode #3 of The Caldron Pool Show, featuring Andrew Bogut.

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“What we now know about the Wuhan lab leak, Collins’ emails and the contested science on masks and lockdowns should prompt these leaders to question their willingness to act as the mouthpiece of the government.”

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“He presides over an illiberal government that has been directly responsible for the most appalling violations of basic human rights.”

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“Lockdowns in Europe and the United States only reduced COVID-19 mortality to 0.2% on average.”

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“…church leaders have fallen over each other to bow to Caesar over vaccine mandates and heartless, unscientific lockdowns while people have gone hungry and thirsty for the truth.”

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“Bullying the singer’s grieving family so soon after Meat Loaf’s passing, shows how low those drunk on the government-approved COVID-19 narrative are willing to go.”

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What we’re talking about here is “confronting,” “shocking,” and “challenging” people during one of the darkest and most terrifying periods a parent could ever endure.

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“Despite the Big Brother Statist overreactions, and Trudeau calling this a ‘fringe minority,’ this protest IS massive and is sending shock waves throughout, not just Canada, but all around the world.”

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“As for fourth and fifth, let’s wait and see how this goes. Being vaccinated saves lives,” the Premier said.

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“I get it, Peter Dinklage is the biggest dwarf actor, probably of all time, but that doesn’t make him king. It doesn’t make him king dwarf.”

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The cult of Covid is nothing short of the state religion of the day.

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“The Covid-19 response has proven that most men are betas who are comfortably enslaved by fear, and thus, they willingly surrendered their rights. It’s as if they like the way their shackles match their purse.”

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“The truth is, just as there are unjust rulers and unjust governments, so there are unjust laws. And that is never a good situation to be in.”

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“Twitter users were reporting the Freedom Convoy had grown to 70 kilometres long.”

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“Despite the plethora of biblical injunctions to ‘fear not!’ the church, on the whole, has not exhibited a robust spirit of courage.”

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“Joe Biden’s apparent optimism is a smokescreen for the arrogant under-estimating of the Russian president, and an over-estimation of the abilities of his own administration.”

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“Whether or not all this is good ‘science,’ it certainly is a good way to have a dictatorship for life. And it is certainly a good business model – one that has the masses permanently hooked on your product.”

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“Any serious student of the 1930s is struck by the familiarity of the debate.”

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新南威尔士州卫生厅厅长布莱德哈泽德已经表示:疫苗不能阻止新冠病毒奥密克戎变种的传播。但他仍然敦促新州居民一旦满足疫苗接种间隔的要求,应尽快接种加强针。 在周三的新闻发布会上,哈泽德称该变种的传染性非常强。根据他给出的数据,新州仅有百分之五的居民还没有接种疫苗,而且那些没有接种疫苗的公民已经受到长达数月的社交限制。 据SBS新闻报道,在刚刚过去的一周内感染者增加了三倍,这也是新州几个月以来首次单日新增感染超过1000例。 哈泽德以危言耸听的口吻说道:“根据对病毒传播导致潜在感染剧增的模拟预测,新州正在为将要发生的更多新增感染做准备。” 哈泽德告诉记者:“我们获得的信息是,到一月底每日新增感染可能在二万五千例左右。” 现在,哈泽德终于承认了疫苗对于阻止奥密克戎变种几乎毫无用处!而政府这几个月以来一直在实施强制疫苗、禁止不打疫苗的居民出入咖啡馆、酒吧、餐馆以及其他公共场合,如学校、医院、养老院和紧急服务机构。 哈泽德称:“我们了解到,这些疫苗看起来似乎不能阻止奥密克戎变种的传播。这个变种的传染性非常强。”他还说: “在纽卡斯尔一个人口密集的夜总会里发生的感染情况,使我们意识到该病毒的传染性很强。年轻人会到处活动,病毒很有可能将会传遍全州 。” 那么值得思考的是:如果注射疫苗并不能阻止病毒传播,也不能阻止病毒变异,为何政府还执意推行疫苗证书呢? 许多未接种疫苗的澳洲人,因为被认为具有将病毒传染给他人的风险而被限制在家、禁止出行或探望亲人长达数月之久!据报道,昨天两个满载航班的乘客将被强制在圣诞节期间隔离,而这仅仅因为航班上的一位乘客检测出新冠阳性,昆州卫生厅便以航班上的每个人都是密切接触者为由强行隔离所有乘客。 也有许多未接种疫苗的澳洲人因为被当局认为具有传染风险而被迫失业! 一位因疫苗强制令而失业的前警官告知本新闻网: “由于我被视为对他人有潜在的威胁,我的职业就这样结束了。”“现在执政者却说:疫苗根本不能阻止病毒的传播!那我怎么可能比其他人更有传播病毒的威胁呢?既然疫苗不能阻止病毒传播,岂不是疫苗接种者与我具有同样的威胁吗?” 一位曾在大型超市工作过六年的前机械工说道,他这个月接到通知,如果他想保持他的工作就必须“完全接种”!他说:“像我这样还未被停职或强制无薪休假的人们,现在都有权要求一个解释:为何让我们失业?为何需要接种疫苗才能保住工作?” 他接着说道:“这些疫苗不能阻止病毒传播,因此之前因疫苗强制令而被迫辞职、被迫停职或停薪留职的人们,应该立即恢复他们之前的职位。” 网络教育资源天国思想家学院(Kingdom Thinkers Academy)的创立者卡利. 尼尔告诉本网站:“(基于全球数据,如以色列的数据)信息灵通的大众早就知道接种新冠疫苗不能阻止病毒传染。” 他接着说道:“显然,政府的疫苗强制令并不是为了公众健康,而是为了控制人民。我不知道这些政府官员是否会努力恢复那些因为疫苗强制令而失业的人们的工作?看起来不太可能!”

“The surgery has now rung my parents and said that he cannot have the surgery unless he has a 1st dose of the vax. Wow. They would just leave him to die of cancer instead.”

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