372 search results for "LGBTQ+"

New Zealand is fast becoming one of the most “progressive” left-wing nations in the world, particularly when it comes to LGBTQI and gender related issues. Their most recent pursuit revolves around the white-bearded, red-suited, plump and jolly old man, who in modern folklore delivers presents to children at Christmas time. That’s right, even a fictional character invented to bring joy to children around the globe has been deemed “offensive” in New Zealand. The Farmers Santa Parade marks the start of the Christmas season and has brought joy to the children of Auckland for eighty four years. For the last five years,…

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The Northern Territory has passed new laws to allow individuals, including children, to legally change their gender without the need for surgery. The changes to the Birth, Deaths and Marriage Act allows people to register their gender as non-binary on their birth certificates, as well as making it easier for transgender people to change their sex without surgery. Parents will also be able to change the sex identity of their children. NT Attorney-General Natasha Fyles said, “Australians voted last year to allow same-sex marriage so there are consequential amendments needed in the NT.” “We are watching our nation going nuts,”…

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Laura Loomer has been permanently banned from Twitter after she criticised Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. According to Twitter, Loomer was suspended for violating the platforms rules against “hateful conduct.” The offending tweet read: “Isn’t it ironic how the twitter moment used to celebrate ‘women, LGBTQ, and minorities’ is a picture of Ilhan Omar? Ilhan is pro Sharia, Ilhan is pro-FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). Under Sharia, homosexuals are oppressed and killed. Women are abused & forced to wear the hijab. Ilhan is anti-Jewish…” Update: Just spoke with her. Here is the message @LauraLoomer received from Twitter following her permanent suspension pic.twitter.com/v7mynI3HV4…

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Tasmania’s lower house has passed new transgender laws which will require parents to “opt-in” to having their child’s sex recorded on birth certificates. The amendments will also make it easier for teens as young as 16 to change their gender by simply filing a statutory declaration. Anti-discrimination laws were also broadened making it illegal to offend, insult or discriminate against someone on the basis of their “gender expression.” Refusal to use an individuals preferred pronoun will be regarded as “hate speech.” Martyn Iles, Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby, called it “Unhinged, total madness. We think we are gods.”…

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If Australia’s Prime Minister is serious about fairness, he’ll preserve the right to a conscientious objection to SSM; the right for people to hold the view, and teach their kids that marriage is between a man and a woman; and that those children have a right to equal access to their biological father and mother. As I have hopefully made clear in the written contributions I’ve made to this national debate, I see the issues as a matter of social justice. The “no” vote has been about defending truth, liberty, fraternity, science, and even equality, from unbalanced ideological servitude. The State wants…

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Equality Campaign co-chair and fake theologian Alex Greenwich has accused Christians of misrepresenting the Bible. In an interview on Sky News, the independent New South Wales MP suggested the biblical command to ‘love thy neighbour’ means Christians ought to abandon sexuality defined by Scripture to embrace LGBTQ+ sexuality. “The church ethos, or the ethos of Christianity is to love thy neighbour,” Greenwich said. “There is no where in the Bible, or in church teachings that says you should target gay kids and teachers. There’s no where in a religious ethos that says you should legalise bullying against the LGBTI community.…

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Two Christian women from Phoenix, Arizona have been threatened with jail time and heavy fines after they refused to create custom artwork to promote gay “weddings.” The Arizona Court of Appeals ruled that Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski, owners of Brush & Nib Studio, are required by Phoenix law to create artwork for same-sex wedding ceremonies because they “cannot discriminate against potential patrons based on sexual orientation.” According to Life Site News, “Not only are the Christian women threatened with jail time and fines should they refuse to create artwork celebrating gay ‘marriage’ because of Phoenix law, they could also be…

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A billboard quoting the dictionary definition of ‘woman’ has been removed after it was deemed transphobic hate speech. The poster, created by Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, founder of women’s rights group Standing for Women, was erected in Liverpool and quoted the definition of woman, according to Google dictionary: ‘woman, women, noun, adult human female.’ Soon after the billboard was installed, NHS doctor and LGBTQ activist Adrian Harrop complained that the posters were dangerous and made transgender people feel unsafe. “There is no place for hatred, exclusion or transphobia in Liverpool,” Harrop said on Twitter. “This billboard was funded by a transphobic hate…

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What you see here is a significant part of a $400,000 art installation at Sydney University, that prestigious centre of tertiary education which prides itself on Unlearning everything—from medicine, love, truth, and it seems like even of common sense itself. No, those black splotches are not mold. And nor is the horizontal yellow line a urine stain. According to Sydney University, this is a $200,000 piece of art. On contacting the Media Department at Sydney University, they initially had no idea what it was either. But about a week later they came back with the following reply: We are in…

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Popular Hunter Valley based bridal magazine White has come under fire for refusing to feature same-sex couples in their privately own publication. Photographer Lara Hotz said she asked the magazine multiple times if they would feature non-heterosexual couples. The editor reportedly told Hotz, “We aren’t sharing Same Sex weddings at this point”. “I imagine the majority of LGBTQI persons would be feeling hurt regarding not being represented equally or at all,” Hotz told AAP. More than 100 vendors and contributors to the magazine have since reportedly said they are boycotting White Magazine and will no longer submit wedding shoots, provide content,…

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Australia’s first Muslim Senator not only suggested it was racist to oppose Islam, she also accused Australians of building their nation on invasion and land theft. In her maiden speech Green’s Senator Mehreen Faruqi said, “We are gathered here today on stolen land… Australia is a nation built on the invasion and colonisation of sovereign nations. It surprises me and saddens me that this reality is still denied, often vehemently.” Ms Faruqi went on to say, “I bring to this chamber my track record in shaking things up and shifting the agenda on issues as diverse as: decriminalising abortion, drug…

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Healthline issued a statement on Tuesday saying, “Some people are under the impression that Healthline is now using the term ‘front hole’ instead of vagina. This is simply not true.” Their statement comes in response to our story titled, Healthline says, using the medical term ‘vagina’ is not gender-inclusive language, uses ‘front hole’ instead.  “In no instance in this guide are we saying we want to replace the word vagina,” the statement goes on to say. “Nothing in the article indicates we’re endorsing a change in verbiage.” Now, if you were to visit their website, at least the page we originally…

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Healthline has claimed health disparities and higher rates of HIV and STIs observed in LGBTQIA communities are due to discrimination in the sex ed world. So, the California based health information provider has adopted the gender-inclusive term “front hole” in place of the medical term, “vagina” in their latest LGBTQIA safe sex guide. UPDATE see: Healthline changes their website then says ‘front hole’ claims are untrue. “For the purpose of this guide, we’ll refer to the vagina as the ‘front hole’ instead of solely using the medical term ‘vagina,’” the document explains. “This is gender-inclusive language that’s considerate of the…

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Lesbian women who refuse to enter relationships with transgender, biological males, are now being branded transphobic by members of their own ‘community.’ A Pride march in London was recently crashed by a group of Lesbian activists arguing that “transactivism erases lesbians.” A flyer distributed by the protesters claimed the trans movement denies lesbian women the right to choose their sexual partners based on their sex. “We condemn any pressure on lesbians – such as rape and death threats, or calling lesbians ‘transphobic’ if they refuse so-called ‘transwomen’ as sexual partners and do not accept the penis as a female organ,”…

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A 51-year-old Canadian man was arrested and charged with a “hate crime” two years after distributing “anti-gay” pamphlets at the Toronto Pride Parade. The Toronto Police Service charged William Whatcott with, “willful promotion of hatred against an identifiable group, namely the gay community,” a Police statement said. The pamphlets warned that homosexuality is associated with sexually transmitted diseases, including HPV of the rectum, which the U.S. Centers for Disease Control confirms is true, according to The Federalist. The pamphlets were also said to contain negative comments about the Liberal party and left-wing politicians. A Christian message was also included, suggesting “eternal…

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Scottish councils have widely backed new guidelines being pushed by LGBTQ activists campaigning for the “rights” of transgender children. The guidelines tell teachers that trans students should be allowed to undress in the change room of their own choosing. The guidelines also go on to suggest, “there is no reason for parents or carers of the other pupils to be informed.” But as if often the case with “trans-rights,” it’s girls who will be impacted most. According to The Herald Scotland, “none of the councils involved, nor the children’s commissioner, nor Education Scotland have carried out an equality impact assessment to…

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An advertisement recently released by Huggies nappies features a baby boy and his two lesbian mothers. Noticeably absent from the scene is the child’s father. But why should that matter? The baby has two mothers, and one with a fairly masculine haircut, so what’s the issue? What LGBTQ propaganda continues to imply is the superfluous nature of fathers and their replaceable role. There is nothing inherent or unique to being a father. There is nothing a father brings to the rearing of a child that a second mother couldn’t imitate. There was always going to be a knock-on effect. You…

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A pastor in Cape Town has been sentence to 30 days in prison after disregarding court orders barring him from preaching about homosexuality. After making ‘hateful’ remarks in 2014, Rev Oscar Bougardt reached a settlement with the Human Rights Commission, agreeing not to make any further negative comments about the LGBTQ community. I may enter the court room and not come home to my family – my crime, preaching the Bible. However, last week the Equality Court found Bougardt continued to refer to homosexuality as ‘perverted.’ Bougardt also advocated the criminalisation of homosexual practices, reportedly suggesting a 14-year prison term,…

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On June 12, 2016, Muslim terrorist Omar Mateen, entered the Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. At about 2am, Mateen opened fire on the patrons, killing 49 people and wounding 53 others. Luis Ruiz was present on the night of the shooting. Two of his close friends were shot dead. Ruiz said, “I should have been number 50.” Ruiz felt he had been given another chance at life, and that led him to reflect on the life he was living. “Going through old pictures of the night of Pulse, I remember my struggles of perversion, heavy drinking to drown…

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Children at Parson Street Primary School in Bedminster, Bristol, were entertained by a drag queen on World Book Day. The school’s headmaster, Jamie Barry, reportedly invited the drag entertainer from Drag Queen Story Time in order to promote LGBTQ issues to their students aged from three to 11. Drag Queen Story Time’s stated aim is to, “capture the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of children and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.” One mother was quoted as saying, “Lots of parents at the school are not happy about it but the headmaster [Jamie Barry] says there’s…

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