456 search results for "woke"

“It’s been dubbed ‘Rainbow Capitalism,’ and an increasing number of folks, even within the LGBTQ+ community, are beginning to recognize it for the disingenuous, virtue signalling, money-grab that it is.”

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“All women making allegations of sexual assault should be taken seriously. But not all such women should be believed simply because they are women. This fact is as self-evidently true as the statement that not all white people should be believed when making criminal accusations against those of a minority race.”

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“The chaos of the last two and a half years demonstrated that many of our church leaders have greater loyalty to the State than to God’s word.”

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“Westerners being muted on the matter is a stark contrast to 2020’s black squares, black power fists, BLM protests, and the blank cheque pandering to the ‘Black Lives Matter’ narrative.”

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“As hopeful as Dutton’s election is for centre-right Christians and classical liberals, until they see proof of the new LNP leader’s resolve, and effectiveness, Dutton’s election will mean diddly squat.”

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Forget Disney+ and Netflix. Here comes LOOR TV, a ‘crowdfunding platform that enables filmmakers to build whatever they want without the restrictive woke agenda, and get paid while doing it.’

In this episode of The Caldron Pool Show, Evelyn Rae chats with LOOR’s CEO, Marcus Pittman about the new project and how you can get behind a better entertainment alternative.

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“These extremists deny science and reject reality. Mothers deserve better than radical activism when they are seeking support to nourish and grow their precious babies.”

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“In many ways, voters were left with a choice between Tweedledum and Tweedledumber. The latter won.”

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“Why are we sacrificing their dignity, safety, and emotional wellbeing for fringe activism? It is certainly a question being asked by parents who are sick of their children being used as pawns in the Culture Wars.”

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“If truth is purely subjective, morality fluid, then there is no concrete basis on which leftists can declare anything to be either misinformation or disinformation.”

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“We need a Royal Commission into the madness and tyranny endured over the last two years.”

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Evelyn Rae and Ian Miles Cheong discuss Elon Musk, Disney and the woke takeover, transgenderism and kids, the Great Reset, and more.

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“We’re not here because society decided to wage war on the dictionary. We’re here because society is at war with the Bible…”

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“The legacy media and political and professional classes have traded off the terror created by this manufactured crisis and they should be held to account for its devastating consequences.”

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“They’re not someone else’s children. They’re our children. They’re all our children […] They’re not somebody else’s children; they’re like yours when they’re in the classroom.”

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If the government can take your job under the guise of “the greater good”, with part ownership, they can take your house, and maybe the cat, kids, and the whole kaboodle too.

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“The unsurprising news highlights greater concern about who polices the thought police in a world where subjectivism replaces truth, and feelings replace facts.”

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“Since George Floyd’s death… African-Americans have been ‘disproportionally affected by a 43% increase in murders compared to the previous 10-year average.’”

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Kendi asserted, the real groomers weren’t gay ‘child predators,’ they were ‘white supremacists.’

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“The promulgation of the idea that sexual and moral irresponsibility is liberty is thus the usual and necessary prelude to the destruction of liberty and the rise of statism.”

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