220 search results for "mandates"

“It’s genuinely bewildering that the only time some individuals and community leaders have spoken up during a time of crushing, unprecedented government overreach, is to protest against those protesting crushing, unprecedented government overreach.”

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The purpose of this article is to show you why other human beings will make a different choice than you, even with the same information. With any luck, it will give you some insight into the complexity of human decision-making, and enable you to respect, rather than belittle, the choices that other people make.

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In the post-modern era, there’s an extremely thin line between an “expert” and an activist.

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“There would need to be a requirement incorporated with QR code information that if you want to travel on public transport, airlines, enter venues, shopping malls, restaurants, and cafes, you will need to show you have been vaccinated.”

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Once we deprive people of their right to say “no” to an intervention upon their body, the moral and legal precedent is set, and the door is opened to further abuses of human rights.

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The current government must know that it is political suicide to kill fundamental freedoms, through an iron-fisted – consequences be damned – mandatory COVID-19 vaccination of everyone who didn’t need it, or want it.

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“Mask wearers constantly touch them,” the store owner said. “Are they 3-min, 3-days or 3-months old! We are an open food store. Not appropriate.”

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As of June 28, 2021, there are 272 dead following the vaccines, only 1 dead from COVID-19.

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“This is not just a blatant violation of key codes of medical ethics, but it is resulting in a new case of discrimination and bigotry: an upper class of the vaxxed, and a lower class of the un-vaxxed.”

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“This has to stop! Defend our children. My six-year-old can’t come up here and say this. It has to stop. Take these off of our children.”

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Any policy or program that says “the vaccine isn’t mandatory, but it is”; “Get the COVID-19 vaccine or get in the dole cue” is totalitarianism. It’s not the messiah, it’s a great Australian nightmare.

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Last year, Biden labeled President Trump an “absolute fool” for not wearing a mask in public, saying his lack of leadership on the issue was “costing people’s lives.”

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The New York Times has accused commentators expressing their concerns about ‘The Great Reset’, of ‘spreading misinformation.’

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Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews last year announced with self-righteous glee that his government plans to make ‘any practice or treatment that seeks to change, suppress or eliminate an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity,’ illegal.

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Victoria has yet again been subject to another grievous assault by dictatorial thugs.

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If you’re not really into Information Technology and are not aware of what the Golden Shield project is, you’re forgiven. The majority of Chinese people either don’t care or aren’t aware of its existence either. The Golden Shield Project is Communist China’s massive firewall. It’s designed to keep a lid on dissent and ward off foreign influence on Chairman Mao’s, carefully constructed Communist culture, which was largely forced on the Chinese people during the Marxist/Maoist Cultural Revolution. Some basic history: ‘The Golden Shield project has been in development since the 1990s’. According to a Tom McDonald field study published by…

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There’s an eerie similarity between the protests against Asia Bibi and the protests against Brett Kavanaugh. The tension, and rhetoric, of anti-blasphemy protesters in Pakistan, are at the same fever pitch, as anti-Kavanaugh protests were during the senate hearings, surrounding Kavanaugh’s supreme court nomination (and subsequent confirmation) in the United States. Placards brandished about during the Ford-Kavanaugh debate which labeled Kavanaugh a rapist (without evidence or a judicial trial), have much of the same intensity as the placards brandished about by Islamist protestors in Pakistan. For evidence of this, see the long list of celebrity outrage expressed online against the…

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California has become the first state to approve LGBT-inclusive textbooks for use in primary schools. Ten textbooks for kindergarten through to eighth-grade, were approved by the California State Board of Education last month. The Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful Education Act is a California law which mandates the inclusion of the political, economic, and social contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people into educational textbooks and social studies curricular in California public schools. The California State Board of Education also rejected two textbooks published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. The textbooks were rejected because they failed to address the sexual orientations…

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What comes after same-sex marriage? You only have to look to the countries that have already redefined the institution to get an idea. Here are twelve examples. Example #1: John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, has argued that the fight for “equality” is not over until churches abandon their faith. “We don’t want to behave like it’s all over [now that SSM is legal]… I still feel we’ll only have proper equal marriage when you can bloody well get married in a church if you want to do so, without having to fight for the equality that should…

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