Category Archives: State

No moral issue can be debated, in any meaningful sense, without reference to God. Take God out of the picture and all we are left with is the accidental product of time and chance acting on matter. Doug Wilson has argued that once we remove God from the debate, “then the difference between your thoughts and mine correspond to the difference between shaking up a bottle of Mountain Dew and a bottle of Dr Pepper.” You have no basis for arguing that your thoughts are nearer to the truth than anyone else’s thoughts. You fizz one way, they fizz another.…

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“The Bible tells me so,” is something Christians need to embrace, not shy away from. Why? Because you can’t make a meaningful moral argument for anything unless that argument is grounded on GOD. Here are three quotes that sum up the absurdities inherent to a society debating morality without reference to God. “You and I can discover truth, but we cannot create it. What’s true is true and what’s not is not – for all of us, all the time. Our culture views truth as something inside us, subject to revision according to our growth and enlightenment. Scripture views truth…

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“One often hears the rallying cry from pro-choice advocates: ‘my body, my choice.’ Certainly, they exercise a choice, but, it is not just ‘my body’. There are two (2) bodies, each genetically distinct, and each ‘foreign’ to the other. It should be recognized that the body of the early embryo is very active in its daily rituals of survival. Prior to about 14 days post-fertilization the embryo becomes composed of two layers, an upper or epi-layer, and a lower or hypo – layer. At 14 days a third layer appears wedged in between the upper and lower layers. At this…

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Somebody once said, “If there is no God, everything is permissible.” Remove the moral authority that exists outside of ourselves and things like right and wrong become merely a matter of personal preference. Our culture is riddled with it. Take Cosmopolitan, for instance, and their recent attempt to push incest and normalise sibling-sex: “There must be some natural explanation for these feelings, Brian remembers thinking. And according to them, there is. The half-siblings say they are prime examples of genetic sexual attraction (GSA). The term was coined by Barbara Gonyo in the 1980s after she experienced an attraction to the…

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When Carl Lentz, “Lead Pastor” of Hillsong Church NYC, was invited onto The View, Joy Behar threw him with a pretty basic question: “So, it’s not a sin in your church to have an abortion?” Easy. She’s throwing underarm! The question is simple, especially for a “pastor.” She’s asking if it’s a sin to murder a child. This is Ten Commandments 101… that is, unless you’re Lentz: “Umm. That’s the kind of conversation we’d have – finding out your story, where you’re from, what you believe – Yeah, I mean, God’s the judge. People have to live to their convictions. And…

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On Sunday night, 60 Minutes will air an interview with transgender AFL player, Hannah Mouncey. WATCH: The #AFL says she’s too powerful to play, but Hannah says she just wants equality. 8.30 SUNDAY on @60Mins. — Nine News Australia (@9NewsAUS) November 1, 2017 AFL Women’s recently knocked back Mouncey’s nomination suggesting, his physical disparity was significant and that it would give him an unreasonable advantage when competing against women.[note]Fox Sports[/note] Ironically, some have responded by suggesting Mouncey’s rejection demonstrates of inequality in sports. Inequality in sports!? It demonstrates the exact opposite! Mouncey is biologically male, he stand at 190cm…

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Warning: Disturbing content – but apparently not too disturbing for children. The following excerpts are taking from the below video. The footage was recorded by a student. “For girls, it’s a little bit different. Do girls masturbate? Yes. Are they likely to be more reluctant to? Probably. Should girls masturbate? Yes, why not!” “So, it’s just about exploring your body and feeling good in a private setting. Okay, so it doesn’t necessarily have to do with your reproductive area. It can be touching a breast, or having a bath and — I don’t know… But yeah sure, girls can masturbate…

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Last week the Federal Group denied service to a Coalition for Marriage gathering. The Plenary Hall at Wrest Point Casino was booked and paid for, and then cancelled forty-eight hours before the event. The University of Tasmania was approached.  The Stanley Burbury Theatre was free, but the University also denied service.  The event “did not fit within the terms of hire for university facilities.”  Thankfully the Vice-Chancellor reviewed the refusal, and the evening went ahead. We could say a lot about the Federal Group’s discourteousness, cancelling very late a booking made in good faith.  And we could say a lot…

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In 1916 and 1917, during World War I, Australia went through two divisive referenda dealing with the issue of whether men could be conscripted for overseas service. In 2017 we have gone through a divisive plebiscite on the issue of whether only heterosexual couples can legally marry. One of the strange features of the whole business was the numerous expressions of moral outrage without any basis in a thought-out moral system. This is disturbing but hardly surprising. Unaccustomed as one is to agreeing with anything David Marr comes up with, he did recently point out in the Guardian that the…

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Have you ever been scolded for using the infamous “Slippery Slope Argument” when debating Same-Sex Marriage? Do you remember the good old days when people naively thought that “love is love” and “equality for all” only counted for same-sex couples? Yeah, about that… Yesterday, the ABC introduced their readers to Andrew, a divorced man who felt “unable to express himself” in marriage. Andrew said, “I felt this whole expectation you will find everything in one person to be a little unrealistic.” After doing away with the “illusion” of the monogamous paradigm, Andrew discovered, what he described as “the most deeply…

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In 2002 the Netherlands legalised euthanasia, making it the first country to declare it legal for doctors to assist in suicides.[note][/note] A 25-year review published in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that death by assisted suicide rose from 1.7% in 1990 before it was legal, to 4.5% in 2015.[note][/note] In July LifeSiteNews reported that euthanasia in the Netherlands is getting so out of hand that 200 Dutch doctors took out an advertisement in a major newspaper which stated: “[Assisted suicide] for someone who cannot confirm he wants to die? No, we will not do that. Our moral reluctance…

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What comes after same-sex marriage? You only have to look to the countries that have already redefined the institution to get an idea. Here are twelve examples. Example #1: John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, has argued that the fight for “equality” is not over until churches abandon their faith. “We don’t want to behave like it’s all over [now that SSM is legal]… I still feel we’ll only have proper equal marriage when you can bloody well get married in a church if you want to do so, without having to fight for the equality that should…

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C. Ward Kischer, Ph. D. is an emeritus professor of Cell Biology and Anatomy, specialty in Human Embryology, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, Arizona. He is Chairman of the American Bioethics Advisory Commission. Virtually every human embryologist and every major textbook of Human Embryology states that fertilization marks the beginning of the life of the new individual human being. The reason why this is true is the following: From the moment when the sperm makes contact with the oocyte, under conditions we have come to understand and describe as normal, all subsequent development to birth of a living…

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The School Policy and Advisory Guide is said to provide Victorian government schools with “quick and easy access to government and operational policies and advice.” Under the title Student Health there is a sub category called Specific Condition Support. This section is designed to “support students with a range of medical conditions; provide support for student pregnancy and parenting; and manage medical incidents including response to and treatment of: anaphylaxis and asthma.” A list is then provided of various policies within this section. These policies relate to conditions such as, allergies, diabetes, epilepsy and… gender identity.[note][/note] The Gender Identity policy…

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How do we understand the story of creation told in Genesis 1:1-2:3? Interpreters have basically fallen into one of two camps. Either the six days of creation represent six literal 24 hour days, or each “day” refers only to an age, an epoch, an unspecified period of time. So, which interpretation should we prefer? When it comes to interpreting the Bible, the best place to look is the Bible. And likewise, when it comes to understanding a particular author, the best place to look is that same author. So, what did Moses mean by the mention of “day” in Genesis…

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Campbell Markham speaks on Freedom of Religon at the More Than Marriage event held on Saturday 23 September 2017. “There are many people, perhaps in this room, who lament that the debate over marriage is not an even fight. Because those who want to redefine marriage – they’ve got the opinion polls on their side, they’ve got Facebook and Apple and Airbnb on their side. They’ve got the Prime Minister and the opposition leader on their side. They’ve got Fairfax and the ABC and SBS on their side. They’ve got Quantas and the AFL and the Wallabies on their side,…

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Dr Pansy Lai speaking on Safe Schools at the More Than Marriage event held on Saturday 23 September 2017.

God has been gracious to Nineveh and to Jonah – sending Jonah to the pagan city, chasing the disobedient prophet across the Mediterranean, preserving him in the great fish, and finally using him to reach the Ninevites. In many ways we could expect the book to finish at the end of chapter 3 – the king of Nineveh is walking about in sackcloth, and the people have turned from their wicked ways. Maybe a little prayer of thanksgiving would have been a nice way to finish the book. Instead we get one major temper tantrum from one cantankerous minor prophet.…

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God has chased Jonah across the Mediterranean Sea, and finally brought him to the point where, in the belly of the great fish, Jonah repented, looked to the sacrifices of the temple, and declared that he would obey God. God is now ready to use Jonah again, so Jonah is spat out onto the beach – all rather undignified but effective (2:10)! God’s grace in recommissioning Jonah The word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time (3:1-2). Some have tried to see a slightly different message here but it seems essentially the same as the original message. There…

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