How Trump Could Still Win
What is becoming increasingly clear is that there’s still a possibility that Trump could win the U.S. election.
China Lectures US Over Human Rights Abuses After Election To UN Human Rights Council
China has reviewed the United States human rights record and issued a list of nine recommendations after being elected to the U.N. Human Rights Council.
Millions Sign Petition To Recount Presidential Election
Millions of people have signed a petition calling on a “recount or revote” of the entire 2020 U.S. Presidential election.
Biden’s Message of Unity and Healing is Contradicted by Leftist Hate
The party preaching “unity and healing” is not a party united behind the “unity and healing” message.
What if the Polls Were Meant to Be This Way?
Regardless of who finally wins the US Presidential election, one thing is for sure, the polls got it wrong. Again! Or, did they?
Democrats Are Not a Party of “Unity and Healing” but Bullhorn Propaganda
When the Democrats call themselves the party of “Unity and Healing” don’t believe the hype.
Democrats Compiling Blacklist of Trump Supporters In Case They ‘Deny Complicity’
With a whiff of power, Democrats are already hard at work compiling blacklist databases of individuals who “elected, served, funded, supported, and represented” President Donald Trump.
Hey Pollsters, Maybe It’s Time for a Career Change
It’s everyone’s nightmare scenario: an electoral stalemate; two men all but claiming the presidency; and a likely legal battle that may extend into December.
The U.S. Election Debacle Is the Result of Democrat Disaster Porn
Under the shadow of Democrat encouraged civil unrest, and Covid-19, the 2020 election was always going to be a close call.
Trump and the 2020 Election
This is about the third rewrite of this article, and it will likely need to be rewritten or revised several more times.
Christians in the West Are Paralyzed by Politics and Pluralism
You cannot remove Christianity from the West, then think you are right to kick and scream when a leader/s rise who don’t live out Christian convictions.
Do You Think Child Sacrifice Is a Thing of the Past?
Child sacrifice has been widely practised throughout history, with the only real variation being the method by which the child is put to death.
Donald Trump: “Jesus Christ More Famous Than Me”
Donald Trump’s personal beliefs have been much scrutinised throughout his presidency.
Why John Piper’s Abandonment of the 2020 U.S. Election Misses the Point
John Piper’s ambiguous words this week missed the point.
Mayor Apologizes After Backlash For Saying Boys Have A Penis
Live not by lies. This is the title of the now famous essay circulated among Moscow’s intellectuals by Russian writer and political prisoner, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, on the same day that he was arrested by secret police.
The Choice Is Always Between the Real King and False Kings
As the state takes ever more powers for itself, the Christian will need to determine who he will ultimately serve.
New Blasphemy Laws: “Hate Speech” In Homes “Must Be Prosecuted”
If there is a genuine assault on liberty and free speech in the West, this is exactly how it will be carried out.
What Do a French Knife Attack and ‘Cancel Culture’ Have in Common?
France was left reeling last week after a middle school teacher was beheaded on a Paris street in broad daylight.
Trump vs Biden: The Citizen President vs the Career Politician
Ronald Reagan had a unique distaste for career politicians sucking wealth out of D.C.’s tax-payer funded tenure. Most too often more in tune with self-service, than public service. He also had a keen dislike for the faulty, seized-up mechanical inner-workings of Washington.
Why Is Death Such A Priority For the Queensland Premier?
In the history of Australia, no sitting leader has gone to an election promising to legalise euthanasia as part of their party platform.