Moderators Turn Trump vs. Harris Debate Into the Commie-La Monologues
“Moderators fact-checked Trump, and fact-checked none of what Harris said, and she lied repeatedly.”
What Do Theonomists Actually Believe?
“The basic function of law is to restrain, not to regenerate, and when the function of law is changed from the restraint of evil to the regeneration and reformation of man and society, then law itself begins to break down, because an impossible burden is being placed upon it.”
Dr. Ben Carson Accepts Role as Trump’s Faith Advisor and Emissary for Freedom
“In order to reestablish ourselves as ‘that shining city upon a hill,’ we must acknowledge we are One Nation Under God…”
“Top-Down Christianity”: Critics of Christian Nationalism Have Spent Decades Compromising to Woo the Elite
“While these sorts claim to be championing justice, they’re doing nothing more than eroding the very foundations of it.”
Doctor Faces Deregistration After Sharing Babylon Bee Articles
Offending posts include content from Matt Walsh, Allie Beth Stuckey, and Katy Faust.
Is God at Work Among the ‘Deplorables’ the Evangelical Elite Have Long-Deemed Unclean?
“When the shepherds are silent and compromised, God raises up faithful voices in the most unlikely places.”
Strong Dad Engagement Programs Are Funding the Fight for Fatherhood to Save the Fatherless
“The men the world is raising are not the men the world needs.”
An Immigrant’s Love Letter to the West
“Diversity has long ceased being a noble cause. It’s been a business for some time and is now rapidly becoming a government-funded, media-supported, propaganda-driven, shameless racket.”
Trump Says Rejection of Religion Is the Reason for Social Decay: “Without Religion There Are No Guardrails”
“I think the United States really was a much better place with religion.”
What Has Christianity Ever Done for the World?
“From the values that shape our personal moral frameworks to the institutions that support education, healthcare, and human rights, many of the things we take for granted today owe their existence to Christianity.”
The Persecution of Dr. Jereth Kok
“If a doctor in his spare time can lose his job for discussing vital issues of the day on his own social media page, then none of us are safe.”
Kansas Attorney General Sues Pfizer for “Misleading Kansans on COVID Vaccine”
“Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth,” Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach said in a statement.
Tanzania Bans X to Block Dissent
“Tanzania is approaching an election season.”
“Ethnic Erasure”: University Scraps Term “Anglo-Saxon” in an Effort to “Decolonise the Curriculum”
“Far-left activists have long been campaigning for the replacement of ‘Anglo-Saxon’ with ‘Early Medieval English,’ claiming that the former recognises a distinct, ethnic, and native English identity. The horror!”
It Will Be Real Bad News if Team Kamala Gets In
“They keep saying ‘On Day 1’ we will solve all your problems. Um, the Dems have been in the White House 12 of the last 16 years – including the last four. THEY are the problem…”
The Wolf and the Lamb
“The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny…”
Brazilian Government’s Far-Left War on Free Speech Goes Nuclear, Bans X and Starlink
“This is an escalation of De Moraes’ weaponised assault on Elon Musk for his support of former Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro.”
Evangelicals Became Irrelevant Trying to Be Relevant
“In their pursuit of relevance with the world, contemporary evangelicals largely rendered themselves irrelevant to the world.”
Zuckerberg vs Durov
“What does it say about the state of free speech when a Western nation arrests the founder of one of the few platforms that refuses to bow to government censorship?”
Trump’s “Fight, Fight, Fight” Must Include the Fight for Life and Abolition of Abortion
“The image of the bloodied former president, rising with fist in the air, saying, ‘fight, fight, fight,’ rhymes with his duty to fight for life.”