Category Archives: Health

The letter, dubbed The Ezekiel Declaration, was authored by three Queensland-based pastors who vowed to passionately resist any vaxx certificate system enforced on the church.

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ACL is urging Australia to “stand against fear” and open up the country no later than once everyone who wants the jab is able to be vaccinated, and without coercion.

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If infectious diseases discrimination includes unfair treatment on the assumption that someone has or may acquire an infectious disease, are the NSW Government’s policies against the law?

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Hitchcock said he initially battled over whether to publish the post, but said after being a journalist for almost three decades, it would be hypocritical for him not to.

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“I was the minister that established ‘No Jab, No Play,’ so my view on this is pretty clear,” Morrison said.

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What’s the cost of endless lockdowns? Here’s a list of some of the published side effects.

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“There are many folks who have legitimate concerns about the new COVID vaccines who are not rushing out to get the jab. But increasingly they are being made to feel like pariahs – and granny killers. Just as certain groups in the past were treated as second-class citizens – or worse – so too today.”

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“There will come a time though, where restrictions will apply to those who have not been vaccinated rather than restrictions apply to all of us. Now, if that’s not an incentive to go and get vaccinated, I don’t know what is.”

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“I’ve been telling everyone for a year now, that Doctor Fauci, and other public health bureaucrats were NOT following the science; and I’ve been proven right time and time again.”

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The family told the Daily Telegraph that Alaskar had received a negative test result for Covid the day before his death.

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The Obamas are making a stand. Let’s support them in their resistance!

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An apartheid between the COVaxxed and un-COVaxxed will carve a caste system in the fabric of Australian life. This isn’t something to celebrate or welcome. It’s something to resist because precedent matters.

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“Doctors elsewhere report similar surges, with children — some as young as 8 — deliberately running into traffic, overdosing on pills and otherwise self-harming.”

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“While it is a comforting idea to believe the government is our only source of truth, a superficial dig below the surface reveals this is not the case.”

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The time to speak up is before, not after, they take your tongue.

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“…leaders must be mindful that when they do advance a particular opinion, whether, by direct imposition, exhortation, strong suggestion, or in other ways, they are binding their people to follow them.”

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The purpose of this article is to show you why other human beings will make a different choice than you, even with the same information. With any luck, it will give you some insight into the complexity of human decision-making, and enable you to respect, rather than belittle, the choices that other people make.

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The 2-minute clip, which comes a week after he lamented the spread of medical misinformation online, shows Fauci flip-flopping on the matter of face masks as a method of combatting coronavirus.

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Spurrier said those people had not been consulted over the move, but that it was being done because of great concerns about those “super-spreader” sites,” the publication stated.

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In the post-modern era, there’s an extremely thin line between an “expert” and an activist.

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