Category Archives: Health

Have you been gagged, raped, beaten? If mask-wearing is a trigger for a prior traumatic experience, you must now carry proof of that trauma with you at all times in the form of a medical letter “confirming” your condition.

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“There would need to be a requirement incorporated with QR code information that if you want to travel on public transport, airlines, enter venues, shopping malls, restaurants, and cafes, you will need to show you have been vaccinated.”

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“By the end of September, were all over-18s have had the chance to be double-jabbed, we’re planning to make full vaccination the condition of entry to nightclubs and other venues where large crowds gather,” Johnson said.

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Olivia told Caldron Pool that attending BYUH had been her dream and that she had turned down a $200,000 scholarship to enrol at the university.

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Once we deprive people of their right to say “no” to an intervention upon their body, the moral and legal precedent is set, and the door is opened to further abuses of human rights.

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While ignorance is bliss indeed, something far more dangerous is a society that builds itself upon the illusion of knowledge.

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