Category Archives: Australia

The Australian Associated Press reported yesterday that Western Australia’s Labor government is proposing no-go, exclusion zones, around abortion “clinics.” This would be on top of existing conditions and limitations which require public gatherings of groups to acquire a physical permit from Police, who vet the application and approve it under the ‘Public Order in Streets Act 1984.’ Permits and protections under this act include up to $2000 fines for any deliberate breach of conditions which apply to the permit. Such as: ‘a) serious public disorder, or damage to public or private property; b) creating  a public nuisance c) obstructing traffic…

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Heavy rainfall in New South Wales has helped to extinguish more than 30 fires in just three days. The NSW Rural Fire Service tweeted on Monday, “This is the most positive news we’ve had in some time. The recent rainfall has assisted firefighters to put over 30 fires out since Friday. Some of these blazes have been burning for weeks and even months.” This is the most positive news we've had in some time. The recent rainfall has assisted firefighters to put over 30 fires out since Friday. Some of these blazes have been burning for weeks and even months.#NSWRFS…

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Thousands of pro-life advocates turned out in Adelaide on Saturday to march against the state’s latest proposed abortion bill that would fully decriminalise abortion in South Australia. More than 3,000 people participated in the “Walk for Life” event which was hosted by the pro-life group Love Adelaide. Participants rallied outside Parliament House to offer a voice for the voiceless and stand against the Attorney-General’s plan to legalise abortion up to birth. The Abortion Law Reform Bill was initiated in December 2018 by Green’s MLC Tammy Franks who proposed completely deregulating abortion in South Australia by moving it from the Criminal…

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After nine months off the field, former Wallaby Israel Folau is set to return to rugby league with a France-based club. The Catalans Dragons have been widely criticised for signing the one-year deal with Folau after the former Australian rugby star was sacked for posting a paraphrased Bible verse on his Instagram account. Catalans chairman Bernard Guasch said his club does not share or condone Folau’s Christian beliefs, but wanted to give Folau a “new opportunity to shine on the pitch.” “We do not believe that those views should be publicly expressed, especially by a high-profile sports person,” Guasch said.…

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Richard Di Natale yesterday announced his retirement from politics, and his reasons make me want to stand up and applaud the long-overdue display of right thinking and political priority. Here’s the important part of what he said in his tweeted announcement. After nearly a decade as a senator, half that time as leader, this morning I’ve announced my resignation as Parliamentary Leader of the Australian Greens. It’s not a decision I’ve come to lightly because leading this incredible movement for nearly five years has been one of the biggest honours of my life. But my boys are nine and eleven years…

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In a speech for the National Press Club on Wednesday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison delivered the equivalent of a State of the Union address. From its content to his delivery, it was obvious that the Prime Minister was addressing the nation, not just the top end town. His address didn’t present a government in damage control, but a government that is in control. Morrison was right to not use the opportunity to give ground to noisy dishonest critics on social media. Many of whom come across as detached from everyday Australia, and seem to exist only as a deliberate distraction…

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Of all the hypocritical pig swill I’ve ever read in fake news, leftist rags, this one takes the cake. Rosie Batty – poster-girl for the misandristic men-are-evil-predators narrative about domestic violence – thinks Bettina Arndt doesn’t deserve her AO because her work, allegedly, “pits men against women”. Bettina’s work does not do that. Yet in the minds of many Australians: Rosie’s does. Bettina’s work objects to that being done by the toxic feminist narrative such as Battie regurgitates. It objects to Universities presuming accused boys & men guilty and circumventing our carefully evolved justice system with incompetent kangaroo courts. Bettina’s work objects to hyperbole from hyperventilating harpies about a…

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Avi Yemini was arrested by Victorian Police on Sunday after being mobbed by protesters at an anti-Australia Day rally. Yemini attended the Melbourne “Invasion Day” protest to cover the rally for TR News and interview anyone “willing to engage peacefully.” However, things took a turn when a mob of loud and angry protesters surrounded Yemini as he attempted to conduct interviews. In a bizarre move, nearby police officers handcuffed Yemini, claiming he was being arrested for his own safety. Yemini was then escorted from the rally and questioned by police. Despite mainstream media suggesting Yemini was arrested after “interrupting a…

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Police in Canberra will no longer issue traffic infringements to cyclists not wearing a helmet, but only if the cyclists belong to certain religions. The new road safety regulations came into effect in December after pressure from religious groups claiming helmets are impractical for people whose religion requires them to wear a headdress. The amendments to the road safety regulations only apply to people of these religious groups, and persons caught riding a bicycle or mobility device who do not fall within these religious groups will still be fined for not wearing a helmet. Canberra now joins all other states,…

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Rev John Brown Gribble was born September 1, 1847, in Cornwall, England. As a young man, the reverend moved to Australia, where he worked as a missionary among the indigenous people in New South Wales, Western Australia, and Queensland.

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NSW Police have up their investigation into the cause of 12,000 bushfires across the state in recent months, after it was revealed at least 716 fires were deliberately lit. “A data collation and investigation plan has been developed to review the cause and impacts of the more than 1700 bushfires already reported to police; and consider the 12,000 fires recorded by the Rural Fire Service since August 2019,” police said in a statement released on Friday. Assistant Commissioner Stuart Smith said 716 of the 1700 bushfires already reported to police this season had been classified as deliberate. “It ranges from…

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The fires that have torn through the Australian landscape in recent weeks are without doubt the most widespread natural disaster in our nation’s living memory. Fellow Australians are hurting as they grieve the loss of properties, livelihoods and loved ones. Yet in the flames and through the smoke, there is hope, and evidence of God at work. The generosity of friends and strangers, the Australian spirit of mateship, and the reminder of what’s truly precious in life all speak to the presence of God in the midst of tragedy. Most profound of all, perhaps, are the mysterious stories that are…

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Some people feign shock at the claim #DragQueensAreNotForKids. CONTENT WARNING: Although every effort has been made to maturely avoid needless sensationalism, the following article includes references and links to adult sexual concepts which some readers will find offensive. If you are not an adult, ask your parents for permission to read any further. The “Australian Adult Entertainment Business Awards” has the following categories among others: Adult Party (e.g. Party, Drag Show, Swingers Party…) Escort Directory Brothel Adult Retail Store Drag Queen/King​ Fetish and Fantasy Provider Male/Female Stripper Transgender/Male/Female Escort Porn/Cam Star – Male/Female/Transgender Well on Sunday just gone the Brisbane City Council…

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One of the Queensland drag queens enlisted to read storybooks to young children at a Brisbane public library this week scored second-place at the 2019 Australian Adult Entertainment Awards. “Diamond Good-Rim” came second in the Drag Queen/King category last year, according to the XAWARDS website. Despite his full stage name being “Diamond Good-Rim”, the media chose to refer to him only as “Diamond”, as “Good-Rim” is an obvious reference to a sex act. The Adult Entertainment Awards website states: “XAWARDS every year invites Adult Businesses and Adult Entertainers to self-nominate as well as encourages people who engage Adult Services and…

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A 30-year-old South Australian man has been charged this week by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) for possessing a child-like sex doll. According to a joint media release by the AFP and South Australia Police, the man was charged late Tuesday by the South Australia Joint Anti-Child Exploitation Team (SA JACET) under new Commonwealth laws targeting child abuse-related offences. If found guilty of possessing the anatomically-correct doll, the accused faces a potential 15-year jail term. SA JACET launched an investigation into the man’s activities after receiving intelligence from the NSW Police Force and Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC),…

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It was only a few years ago, during Australia’s same-sex marriage debate, that a group of LGBTQ protesters stormed the stage at a Coalition for Marriage meeting in Melbourne. The protesters were chanting, “Crucify the Christians”, while waving a banner that read, “Burn churches, not queers.” Many same-sex marriage supporters saw the protest as a brave and courageous stand for love and equality. A month later the slogans, “Crucify ‘No’ Voters” and “Bash Bigots” was painted across the side of a Baptist church in Wheelers Hill. At the time, Lyle Shelton, former head of the Australian Christian Lobby and spokesman…

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The Daily Mail Australia is reporting Wilson Gavin died after suffering critical injuries in suicide about 7am this morning at Chelmer Railway station. I am, was, friends with Wilson. He has nothing to apologise for and is a hero we all should take notes from. He hated no one, and dearly loved his Roman Catholic Church, taking his religion very seriously. He loved the Queen and our Commonwealth, and passionately advocated for conservative principles as the best ideas for all of his fellow Australians. Like the stranger in the parable of the Good Samaritan, he thought it his Christian imperative to practically…

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The young conservative student who led a protest against a Brisbane Drag Queen Story Hour for kids has died in a suspected suicide, The Daily Mail reports. Wilson Gavin’s death comes after he was ruthlessly slammed by news outlets and celebrities after footage of the “Drag queens are not for kids” protest was uploaded to social media yesterday. So the UQ Young Liberals decided to interrupt story time at a public library where a drag queen is reading to children only to be abused by homophobic slurs @LiberalAus. What are they doing to support the community? — CORY (@corydunco)…

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Note: Authorities have given no indication that the current bushfires are the result of terrorist activity.  The Brisbane Times has deleted an article claiming Australia was once singled out as a target for “forest fire jihad” by a group of Islamic extremists. According to the Fairfax publication, the group urged Muslims to deliberately light bushfires as an effective form of terrorism justified in Islamic law under the “eye for an eye” doctrine. The article, titled ‘Islam group urges forest fire jihad’, was originally published September 7, 2008, and claimed: “US intelligence channels identified a website calling on Muslims in Australia, the…

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Greens candidate Tom Raue is set to host a workshop designed to teach climate activists how to counter police equipment when they come into conflict with the authorities. The workshop, ‘Countering Police Equipment – from Handcuffs to Tear Gas’,  is part of a weeklong event for ‘Students of Sustainability 2020‘ (SoS) which is being held at the University of Sydney from January 12. SoS describes itself as an “annual grassroots convergence and critical education space that empowers new and diverse generations of people to participate in the climate justice movement.” A Facebook event advertising Raue’s workshop states: “As climate change…

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