Perth Marxists Organise Abortion Protest for International Women’s Day
“Marxists and Sex ed teachers marching arm in arm for abortion. Not creepy at all.”
Biden DOJ Deploying Conspiracy Charges Against 11 Pro-life Advocates Is Purely Political
“The 11 pro-life advocates were federally charged after being singled out by Joe Biden’s newly formed, Reproductive Rights Task Force in October 2022.”
Pro-life Shooting Victim Awarded Pro-life Person of the Year
“If you defend the unborn, be prepared to be treated like them.”
The 4-Minute Video That Will Shock You to Your Core
“You cannot watch this and remain unchanged.”
FBI SWAT Raids Home of Pro-Life Father of Seven
“The continued weaponization of the FBI and persecution of Biden’s DOJ against ordinary Americans is an outrage…”
Murray’s Hypotheticals: The Tribespeople
“…kids with Down syndrome now grace in-store posters and fashion catalogues, and people applaud the ‘diversity and inclusion’ whilst simultaneously accepting the fact that 90% of Down syndrome diagnoses in this country end in abortion.”
Flight Attendant Fired For Pro-life Views Wins $5.1million Compensation Payout
“No American worker should have to fear termination, intimidation, or any other reprisal merely for speaking out against having their own money spent, purportedly in their name, to promote an agenda they find abhorrent.”
“Pro-Choice” Means “No Choice”: Elizabeth Warren Says Crisis Pregnancy Centers Need To Be Shut Down
“We need to shut them down all around the country,” Warren said.
The Arguments in Favour of Abortion and Slavery
“The arguments for retaining slavery and abortion have more in common with each other than most people think.”
Where, O Abortion, Is Your Victory?
“The irony of calling for the death of Christ by way of abortion or any other means is that you cannot ultimately kill the one who has killed death itself.”
Some Christians Think We Should Not Celebrate the SCOTUS Win for Life
“If believers cannot rejoice when a horrific evil like the slaughter of babies is lessened and/or curtailed in various places, then there is nothing worth rejoicing in.”
No, It’s Not ‘Forced Pregnancy’
“What the debate comes down to is whether a woman’s supposed ‘right’ not to be pregnant trumps another person’s right not to be murdered.”
Trump: ‘God Made the Decision’
“That sound you’re hearing right now is the chirping of crickets. Because self-appointed cultural watchdogs are now noticeably silent.”
Roe v Wade Has Fallen!
“Just as with the falling of the Berlin Wall, there is hope that evil regimes with their murderous laws need not dominate.”
Abortion Should Be Illegal
“If every Christian was to do what they are supposed to do, we would stop abortion tomorrow. No more babies would be killed.”
Planned Parenthood Says Violence Against Black Bodies Must End, While Abortionists Kill More Blacks Than the KKK Every Week
“…at a ratio of 474 abortions per 1,000 live births, black women have the highest ratio of any group in the country.”
No, We Cannot Agree to Disagree When It Comes to Abortion
“There is no way around this one, folks. From conception onward, aborting a baby is one of the pinnacles of moral evil.”
Churches Attacked as Abortion Anarchists Ramp up Their “Defend Roe” Death Marches
“They burned churches in Canada for the alleged murder of children. Now they’re burning churches for the ‘right’ to murder children.”
US Supreme Court Authenticates Leaked Document, Refuses to Be Intimidated on Potential Reversal of Roe v. Wade’s Licence to Kill
“Reproductive rights end where parental rights begin, and those rights begin at conception.”
Justice For The Five
“We’ve decided to share the video as there remains a wicked indifference to the horrors of abortion. More outrage can be cultivated by subjecting people to mask mandates than by violently killing them in the womb.”