Category Archives: Abortion

“It’s truly amazing how history repeats itself. The argument in favor of abortion is exactly the same as the argument in favor of slavery. ‘You’re on my land? Then I get to decide whether you’re a person or property.’ Then you have women who say, ‘It’s in my womb, I get to decide whether this is a child or not.’ Well it turns out in human history there is a long, inglorious chain of people who said, ‘I get to decide whether this is a person or not’ and it never ended with anything but mass death.” Ben Shapiro

“One often hears the rallying cry from pro-choice advocates: ‘my body, my choice.’ Certainly, they exercise a choice, but, it is not just ‘my body’. There are two (2) bodies, each genetically distinct, and each ‘foreign’ to the other. It should be recognized that the body of the early embryo is very active in its daily rituals of survival. Prior to about 14 days post-fertilization the embryo becomes composed of two layers, an upper or epi-layer, and a lower or hypo – layer. At 14 days a third layer appears wedged in between the upper and lower layers. At this…

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C. Ward Kischer, Ph. D. is an emeritus professor of Cell Biology and Anatomy, specialty in Human Embryology, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, Arizona. He is Chairman of the American Bioethics Advisory Commission. Virtually every human embryologist and every major textbook of Human Embryology states that fertilization marks the beginning of the life of the new individual human being. The reason why this is true is the following: From the moment when the sperm makes contact with the oocyte, under conditions we have come to understand and describe as normal, all subsequent development to birth of a living…

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