204 search results for "military"

Evelyn Rae chats with R. Davis Younts, a former lieutenant colonel in the Air Force reserves and a JAG lawyer representing military personnel who lost their careers due to the mandates.

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“China is going to destroy us,” said former Seal Team Six member, Robert O’Neill.

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“Drawing the U.S. into the conflict draws us closer to a hot war between the world’s two largest nuclear powers.”

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“Let’s get real here [these mandates] are not something that is based on evidence or based on science it’s based on exercising power over other people.”

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“Why should people choose between a job they need and a shot they don’t want?”

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“An important lesson drawn from COVID-19’s vaccine mandates is the cognitive distortions they expose.”

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The communities were also placed under the harshest lockdown restrictions Australia has ever seen, with residents prohibited from leaving their homes except for medical or emergency reasons.

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“The ADF’s primary role [is] protecting the nation against external enemies and not an elected government from its people…”

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“Biological weapons will not only cause widespread morbidity and mass casualties, but also induce formidable psychological pressures that could affect combat effectiveness,” the document states.

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A new bill has been introduced in federal parliament that would give civil and criminal immunity to foreign military forces and police operating in Australia during a natural disaster or emergency, such as bushfires and the C0VID-19 pandemic.

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United States President Donald Trump has said he’s taking immediate action to end the acts of domestic terror taking place across the nation. In a briefing held outside of the White House today, the President said “thousands and thousands of armed soldiers, military personnel, and law enforcement officers” have been dispatched to put an end to the violent protests. “I am taking immediate Presidential action to stop the violence and restore security and safety in America,” the President said. “I am mobilizing all of the available Federal resources, civilian and military, to stop the rioting and looting, to end the…

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A response to Akos Balog’s recent article: “7 Surprising Things I’ve Noticed About The Israel-Gaza War”

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“Even at the peak of the Atlantic slave trade, Africans retained more slaves for themselves than they sent to the Western Hemisphere.”

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“Arguably, everything the U.S. government and its Western allies appear to be doing at the moment, rather than accelerating an end to the war and achieving some compromise, seems to be aimed at prolonging the deadly conflict.”

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Western leaders and ‘mainstream media’ often call President Putin an authoritarian leader or even a dictator. So, why do so many Russians see a hero in Putin?

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“China has won many wars without firing a shot, simply by placing so much emphasis on production.”

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“The most positive thing to come out of these debates is the increased unity seen between Presbyterians and Baptists over their shared hatred of wokeism’s destructive ideologies.”

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“Not only did the virus appear in a U.S. election year, thus giving an advantage to The Democrat Party, the virus gave the Chinese Communist Party an excuse to end Hong Kong’s pro-Democracy uprising without using the military.”

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“Decades of anti-Australian and anti-Western rhetoric and ideology from the media, education, most politicians, and our elites have convinced many Australians – perhaps most – that Australia is simply not worth fighting for any longer. Why bother to lift a finger in its defence?”

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“Albanese’s activist administration pushes up power prices in the name of ‘climate justice.’ Meanwhile, they syphon off taxpayer dollars to fly cabinet members around in $460 million luxury jets to fight ‘climate change.'”

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