205 search results for "military"

The debate regarding Same-Sex Marriage is often framed with the language of “equality” and “human rights.” It’s argued, if some can exercise their right to marry, then why not all? Why is marriage a privilege only granted to some? Isn’t that discrimination? In the following clip, Voddie Baucham explains: Here’s [their] reasoning: Homosexuals have the right to marry; they do not desire to exercise the right as it currently exists; therefore, they do not have the right and the law must be changed… How about we change the first line? Pacifists have the right to join the military; they do…

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Military instructor and researcher Hussein Aboubakr explains: “After every new Jihadist attack against the West, politicians reassure us that the atrocity does not represent the true nature of mainstream Islam. Of the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, they constantly reassure us, the overwhelming majority are as law abiding as any members of any other monotheistic faith. Only a tiny fraction engage in terror. And Islam is a religion of peace. Furthermore, we are told, the great majority of Muslims hold moderate views.” But what does “moderate” mean? How moderate are moderate Muslims? According to the Pew Research Center, 88%…

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Tucker Carlson presents: 100 Racist Things! In these dangerous political times, it’s important you know what is and is not racist. So, here’s a list! 1. Tamarisk trees in Palm Springs, California. https://t.co/a8Tih2Fmen — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 22, 2017

All they seem to talk about is genitals, sexuality, toilets, and educating your children. And it’s creepy! Now, the Daily Mail reports: Norrie, a 56 year old, transgender activist, wants “gender-neutral toilets introduced at all major venues across Australia.” Norrie, who was born a man but identifies as neither a man nor a woman, told Daily Mail: “Every now and again, maybe once in a hundred times now, nowadays I walk into the ladies’ loos and someone wants to pick a fight with my gender… My plumbing is nobody’s business really even when I’m in the toilet.” During the 2017 Marriage Equality…

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We’re told, it didn’t start with marriage and it won’t end with marriage, and neither should our efforts to protect our children. Marriage Equality Rally, Sydney 2017: “We are on the verge of winning this, and then we can pour our energy into other pressing things, like making sure transgender rights in the military are not rolled back, and that Safe Schools becomes a reality for all school children, in every state, public or private schools. It didn’t start with marriage, and it won’t end with marriage – but still, what a sweet celebration that promises to be.” 
