All they seem to talk about is genitals, sexuality, toilets, and educating your children. And it’s creepy! Now, the Daily Mail reports: Norrie, a 56 year old, transgender activist, wants “gender-neutral toilets introduced at all major venues across Australia.”
Norrie, who was born a man but identifies as neither a man nor a woman, told Daily Mail: “Every now and again, maybe once in a hundred times now, nowadays I walk into the ladies’ loos and someone wants to pick a fight with my gender… My plumbing is nobody’s business really even when I’m in the toilet.”
During the 2017 Marriage Equality Rally in Sydney, Norrie claimed the redefining of marriage was just one aspect of a broader goal:
“We are on the verge of winning this, and then we can pour our energy into other pressing things, like making sure transgender rights in the military are not rolled back, and that Safe Schools becomes a reality for all school children, in every state, public or private schools. It didn’t start with marriage, and it won’t end with marriage – but still, what a sweet celebration that promises to be.”
A proposal to make gender-neutral toilets compulsory has been submitted to the National Building Codes Board.
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