37 search results for "ezekiel declaration"

Exactly one year ago, The Ezekiel Declaration was published. The document was an open letter to the Australian Prime Minister opposing the implementation of vaccination passports, especially within the church.

Before long, the document went viral and attracted the support of over 3,000 concerned church leaders and more than 26,000 members and attendees. Its popularity also attracted critics, who lamented the letters ‘tone’ and accused the authors of casting doubt on the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines that were being imposed on the public.

Of course, the criticisms did not age well. A year later, it’s safe to say the authors and signatories have now been entirely vindicated in their near-prophetic concerns.

In this episode of The Caldron Pool Show, Evelyn Rae chats with the three pastors who authored the declaration 12 months ago.

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“Can a Pastor who is thinking Biblically about the threats on employments, freedoms, rights, travel, and family, be heartened by the fact that so many people have given up, and given in to Government overreach?”

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“So, rather than ‘courageously refusing to place limits on who may gather together with the people of God,’ the ‘reasonable’ and ‘fair’ approach, according to this pastor, includes suspending unvaccinated people from public worship because it’s only ‘temporary,’ and the prohibition isn’t limited to the gathering of God’s people.”

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“We did not expect to get this much traction with our letter, but we praise God that he has used three ‘poorly trained and uneducated ministers’ (to quote our critics) to draw attention to a very serious issue, and we believe, a very serious threat to the unity of the Church.”

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“Up till this point, there has been ‘crickets’ from the church but following the publication of the ED suddenly key evangelical conservatives were mobilised – no, not in support, but to undercut this initiative of other Christians.”

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“This shows how important it is that we continue to advocate on this. Australia must avoid becoming a two-tier society,” Pastor Littlefield said.

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“After reading the Ezekiel Declaration I felt compelled to write and pledge our support to you, your faith community, and for your stance.”

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To the Honourable Scott Morrison, As Christian leaders, you should be aware that in accordance with scripture we regularly pray for “and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Timothy 2:2). We do write, however, to you regarding a matter of significant concern.  Namely, the proposed introduction of ‘vaccine passports’ into Australian society.  For many Christian leaders and Christians, this is an untenable proposal that would inflict terrible consequences on our nation. We should initially note that we are not the first generation that has…

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“We cannot sit idly while patients are forced to go home and sicken in place. These policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity.”

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“The Ezekiel Declaration is the Church wielding the Gospel, reminding the State wielding the Sword, that it must radically reverse any and all policies that serve to enslave and harm, rather than liberate and heal.”

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The letter, dubbed The Ezekiel Declaration, was authored by three Queensland-based pastors who vowed to passionately resist any vaxx certificate system enforced on the church.

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“We continue to look back at the COVID years in disbelief and heartbreak.”

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“If church leaders could deny the unvaccinated care for their eternal souls, then why wouldn’t the health system also deny the unvaccinated care for their earthly bodies?”

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“We suspect the ringleaders are hoping everyone just moves on and forgets.”

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“At large, Aussies don’t depend on God. They depend on the state.”

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“Within two weeks of that sign going up, our congregation almost doubled in size, on a weekly basis.”

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“Steel in the spine is what most Christians lack, and deep down genuinely want.”

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“Church leaders were not forced to become what they were not, but they were rather tested by the Lord and their basic default was exposed for all to see.”

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“You would think a society in the slough of despond, in and out of lockdown for almost two years, would be a grand opportunity for Christian ministry. Instead, the church meekly accepted their designation as non-essential.”

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“Our government, and the scientists they choose to listen to, have successfully whipped up such an atmosphere of fear that people are now genuinely frighted to do things which pose only a minimal risk to them.”

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