An investigation has cleared King Lawal, a U.K. Christian councillor, cancelled for questioning PRIDE.
The 32-year-old was removed from his position in July 2023 after publicly criticising LGBTQ+ sloganeering.
Activists and LGBTrans allies, labelled Lawal’s reasoned arguments as ‘homophobic,’ accusing him of ‘abusing social media.’
The so-called “homophobic” remarks refer to biblical teaching Lawal shared on Twitter about the dangers of pride.
Despite this being widely accepted sound reasoning, embraced by successful societies for over 2,000+ years, Lawal was suspended.
He was then put under an internal review.
Lawal’s perceived “hate crime” was pointing out that cheering on PRIDE – number 1 on the list of the 7 deadly sins – was not a virtue.
He wrote, “When did Pride become a thing to celebrate!… Pride is not a virtue, it’s a sin. Those who have Pride should Repent of their sins and turn to Jesus Christ. He can save you.”
As is often the case with LGBTQ+ activists and their “allies”, Lawal’s words were superimposed with falsehoods, and fallacies.
Case in point:

For the prideful, propagandised, and paranoid, Lawal “was belittling” homosexuals.
So, the hits continued and were allowed.
Right up to threats of a police investigation, and all in spite of Lawal’s effort to explain himself via a post clarification online.
Lawal was only reinstated after Christian Legal Centre stepped in with a strong defence.
The plot twist: Lawal’s chief accusers were Conservatives in Westminster.
As I explained in November last year, despite pains taken to clarify his intentions, Lawal was immediately suspended by the ruling Conservative Group.
He was also removed from positions on the Council, and dismissed as “a trustee of Groundwork Northampton – an initiative which helps disadvantaged children.”
Ignoring Lawal’s clarification, Groundwork Northampton’s CEO, wrote a letter of forced departure, stating, “Given your activity on twitter today, and the views you have put across regarding the Pride movement and Homosexuality, I’m afraid I need to ask you to leave your position…with immediate effect.”
Christian Concern’s legal eagles, constant in combatting LGBTrans lawfare, led Lawal’s defence.
The real violations, CC (rightfully) argued, were to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
Reporting on the outcome of the internal review, The Telegraph said the findings reveal there wasn’t a consensus on how best to handle Lawal.
It’s easy to see why there was such a dilemma.
Firing him could be construed as racist, and keeping him could be read as enabling “homophobic” heteronormative, right-wing extremism.
Nevertheless, internal LGBTQ+ pressure to have him fired from his position was countermanded by the disciplinary sub-committee.
They concluded that “it would be wrong to conflate an objection to the Pride movement as homophobic.”
They also said, “The posts, whilst they may be offensive to some, would on balance not be considered by a reasonable and fair-minded observer to be discriminatory or homophobic per se.”
Lawal was cleared on November 6, 2023.
News of the internal review’s findings were only made known to Lawal this week, The Telegraph added.
“I appreciate the findings, but I’m appalled,” Lawal said.
He’s had to wait over six months for the report to clear his name.
Slamming the Conservative party’s LGBTQ+ faction, he echoed the concerns of Australian, Moira Deeming, stating, “significant factions of the Conservative Party have turned their back on their own supporters and values.”
Like Moira Deeming, Lawal was punished because questioning the LGBTQ+, and PRIDE – the celebration of the distortion of sexuality – is disallowed.
True to form, voicing dissent, and making Truth visible is punishable under live-by-lies, PRIDE totalitarianism.
The difference between inclusion, and exclusion, comes down to the mark of ally or enemy on the forehead.
Like Moira Deeming, King Lawal is doubling down, rather than lying down in apologetic subservience to cancel culture.
He’s now aiming for higher office, stating, “My ambition for the future is to one day stand as an MP; this country and the Conservative Party especially, needs more passionate Christian leaders and politicians, not less.”
Lawal lives, and pride is still a sin.
“Those who have Pride should Repent of their sins and turn to Jesus Christ. He can save you.”
Amen to that!
Christian beliefs are not hate speech!
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