
UK Citizens Could Be Arrested for “Retweets” Deemed “Hateful” as Police “Scour” Social Media for Offenders

"We have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media – their job is to look for this material and then follow up with identification and arrests..."

Police in the United Kingdom are actively “scouring” social media platforms for content that is “likely to stir up” hate, according to Stephen Parkinson, the Director of Public Prosecutions of England and Wales.

Parkinson revealed that there are dedicated police officers whose job is to search for, identify, and arrest individuals responsible for spreading racist material.

Parkinson emphasized that this initiative extends to anyone who “retweets” such content, as the police consider it “republishing.”

“The offence for incitement to racial hatred involves publishing or distributing material which is insulting or abusive, which is intended to or likely to stir up racial hatred,” Parkinson explained to Sky News. “So, if you retweet that, then you’re republishing that and potentially you’re committing that offence.”

Parkinson continued, “We do have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media – their job is to look for this material and then follow up with identification and arrests and so forth. So, it’s really, really serious.

“People might think they’re not doing anything harmful, they are – and the consequences will be visited upon them,” he warned.

In addition to domestic efforts, Parkinson indicated that his team would consider seeking the extradition of social media influencers believed to be contributing to the unrest.

Speaking to the BBC, Parkinson stated, “Offenders must know that they are not safe and there is nowhere to hide.”

“Some people are abroad,” he added. “That doesn’t mean they’re safe. We have liaison prosecutors around the globe, who’ve got local links with the local judiciary. We can cooperate with our international partners.”

In recent decades, the UK has been widely criticized for its increased policing of speech, particularly online content deemed “hateful” or “offensive.” This latest crackdown has only intensified the criticism, with many arguing that it violates the UK’s historic commitment to the principles of free expression, not to mention the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states:

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” (Article 19)

Hate speech laws are not to be confused with laws prohibiting incitement to violence. There is a legal distinction, hence, Western nations needed to create new legislation for a new category of “speech” that is not protected under existing laws.

As such, critics have argued that the concept of “hate speech” was invented to create the illusion of virtue in shutting down and punishing unapproved speech and opinions. By branding criticisms and critiques of particular ideologies, religions, policies, or cultures as “hate speech,” it provides a means of silencing political opponents while claiming the moral high ground in doing so.

In recent years, such legislation has been wielded against Christian educators, churches, street preachers, and parents across the Western world. It is now feared “hate speech” legislation and the threat of prosecution will be used to stamp out any vocalised opposition to the Government’s immigration policies in the UK.

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