
Turning Activists into Prophets: Why the Climate Change Religion is Dangerously Authoritarian

“Climate change policy prescriptions are tyrannical solutions looking for a problem.”

Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker are leaders in bringing Christ out of the museum, and into a critique of contemporary culture.

Harrison’s 2012, Just Thinking blog birthed the Just Thinking… Podcast (JT) somewhere between 2016 and 2018.

The first episode popped up in December 2017.

Since then, the sharp-minded, academically rigorous duo haven’t looked back.

I was a late reader of Harrison’s blog and an early listener of JT.

Technological privileges have since afforded me the ability to drop by from time to time, to tune in, and “turn pages.”

Impressed, I wrote about their offering of fearless, sober-minded insights into Black Lives Matter Inc., and Critical Race Theory, here, and here.

As the message matures the Just Thinking… Podcast continues to feed 2.5-3 hours of fact-based, Christian Realism to thousands.

I’m one of them.

I’ve even leaned on JT a little to teach my homeschooled kids:

  1. Episode 19 & 20: There is scientific basis for race (Mar 23, 2018)      
  2. Episode 45: Social Justice & the Gospel (Sept. 2018)
  3. Episode 57: Religion of LGBT (Dec. 2018)
  4. Episode 67: “Whiteness” (Apr. 2019)
  5. Episode 102: Black Lives Matter? (Aug. 2020)
  6. Episode 107: Skillet frontman roundtable (Jan. 2021)
  7. Episode108: CRT (Feb. 2021)

Despite the hours Harrison and Walker put in, the quality of the critique does not wane.

They’re well-read, prayed-up, and well-prepared.

To demonstrate this, in July 2023, the podcast hosts brought JT to bear against climate catastrophism.

Episode 124, A Biblical Theology of Climate Change castigates Climate Change as another manifestation of the war between natural theology and God’s self-revealing in Covenant, and Christ.

In sum, “the religion of climate change” is a return to neo-paganism.

This is, they said, pantheistic, Gaian worship confusing creature for Creator.

Ultimately, “Climate change – as a worldview – is rooted in a denial of God’s existence.

“I found,” declared Harrison, “climate change to be one of, if not the most insidious devices that Satan has ever employed.”

‘Climate Change’ as a worldview, is linked to philosophical naturalism; or Darwinian evolution.

It is a science gone awry.

Digging into the history, defining terms, and acquiring context, Harrison said, there’s no clear definition of Climate Change.

“The reason terms like Climate Change keep evolving is because the definition of the term keeps evolving.

“The definition keeps evolving because the narrative keeps evolving. The narrative keeps evolving because the agenda keeps evolving.”

Later, Harrison warns, “There is an entire worldview that undergirds and vivifies the climate change movement and agenda.

“The Church needs not stop being so naive about the fact that Darwinism, and naturalism” are fundamental to this movement.

For Walker, this indicates a clear denial of God’s sovereignty over creation. This denial is at the core of the Climate catastrophising cult.

“It was God who created the universe. Would He be caught off guard by climate change?

“It’s not like, OK, the climate is changing. Oh no, what do I do now?”

We have to make light of the catastrophising in light of God’s sovereignty, he added.

The whole debate must begin with God, and not, they both warned, with the logical fallacy of arguing from silence.

That the bible doesn’t say anything about climate change doesn’t make scripture redundant.

Christians who argue the latter run the risk of turning to people like Greta Thunberg into prophets, speaking a “special word” from God on the matter.

They “act as if Greta has some biblical authority by which to stand on,” Walker argued.

“Now all kinds of policies need to be changed in an effort to accommodate, or pacify her outrage.”

Emphasising the danger of policy initiatives answering activist outrage, Walker brought up Al Gore.

“The vast majority of his 2006 ‘Inconvenient Truth’ alarmist predictions have been blown out of the water.”

Hence, they conclude, “Climate change policy prescriptions are tyrannical solutions looking for a problem.”

Further connecting climate change with the pervasive influence of paganism, the JT hosts took apart the 2015, Pagan Community Statement on the Environment.

Paganism, Harrison states, isn’t just a fringe supporter, it is “absolutely fundamental to the climate change movement’s worldview.”

This is idolatrous Gaianism, and it “makes climate change a religion.”

The “ecocentric spiritual” belief that the earth is all.

God and His created order is rejected, then replaced with a self-serving spiritualism.

“The church is so gullible,” Harrison stated.

They’ve picked up the term climate change and just started using it.

Consequently, many are falling for the heresies behind it.

It’s a rehashing of the “say her name” genuflecting to Black Lives Matter Marxists, and the “love is love” LGBTQ+.

This, he said, illustrates, that “the biggest threat to the church today is biblical illiteracy.”

“Climate change is a ruse.”

Climate change has nothing to do with “stewardship.” It’s about pagan worship.

“Stewardship,” Harrison, and Walker argued is common sense creation care.

For now, activists are sacrificing cows. They’re working on sacrificing the “natural human condition requirements for eating,” and regressing society back into the stone age.

We’re not far, JT’s hosts said, from sacrificing humans.

This is because “mass starvation, and abortion,” are all “good” for the climate – and what’s good for the climate, is good for Gaia.

One of the “pillars of climate change is depopulation,” a reason why the worldview is also pro-abortion.

The “new anti-humanism is inevitably anti-child.

“New life is a problem; a drain on the earth, and on the parents’ resources,”

Thus, “the climate religion is demonic,” Harrison and Walker concluded.

I agree.

Just like COVID totalitarianism, the science is heavily politicised.

The narrative is carefully manufactured, and protected. All dissenting viewpoints are discarded, and its people suppressed.

In this sense, climate catastrophism is not only demonic, it’s dangerously authoritarian.

You can listen to the entire podcast, and others on Spotify or Apple here.

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