
Trump Duet With J6 Prison Choir ‘Justice for All’ Hits No.1

"Profits from the song will go directly to helping families of those held for political reasons regarding January 6."

A Donald Trump duet with January 6 political prisoners has achieved the iTunes top spot, without major studio backing.

‘Justice for All,’ was unleashed on March 3.

Since then the Don duet has dethroned Miley Cyrus’ “me, myself and I” tribute, Flowers, while beating new content from 1883 star, Tim McGraw, and Lauren Daigle.

‘Justice for All’ features J6 prisoners singing the Star-Spangled Banner, interwoven with the former President reciting the Oath of Allegiance.

The song concludes with the alleged “insurrectionists” repeating a fist-pumping patriotic: “USA! USA! USA!”

Profits from the song will go directly to helping families of those held for political reasons regarding January 6.

Recipients ‘will not include families of those who assaulted a police officer,’ Forbes reported.

Most of the January 6 prisoners have been held in a Washington D.C. prison since Joe Biden’s Deus Ex Machina win in 2021.

As I explained in a Caldron Pool article at the time, Biden’s win was part of a four-year-long campaign to destabilise Trump and manufacture the 2020 election result.

This was a campaign of hate run on a ‘whatever-it-takes’ basis to make Trump pay for Hilary Clinton’s 2016 election loss.

The “Insurrection at the Capitol” narrative was icing on the cake for “justice for Hillary” campaigners.

Like the Trump-Russian Collusion hoax, the whole J6 narrative is being revealed to be a total manufactured farce.

This is why new information, some of it hidden even from defence lawyers, is bringing greater public scrutiny to the continued detention of alleged “conspirators.”

Details revealed by this new information back another article I wrote in 2021, encouraging people to separate the news from the narrative.

In June of that year, the FBI acknowledged calling January 6 an “armed insurrection” was incorrect, because no guns were recovered.

“Insurrection” was a term widely deployed by some Democratic officials, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and legacy media.

My conclusion then was that the “insurrection” narrative had been purposefully created in order to allow Democrats an opportunity to finally achieve their merciless, and ferocious goal of delegitimising the Trump presidency (see here, here, here and here).

Falsehoods about January 6 did more than the Marxist charade perpetrated by Black Lives Matter Inc’ to reveal how real oppressors were (and still are) masquerading as the oppressed.

Inadvertently agreeing with my 2021 CP expositions, feminist, and Trump despiser, Dr. Naomi Wolf recently issued a ‘full-throated’ public apology to “America first” conservatives, stating,

“I believed a farrago of lies” about January 6.

“The Democrats in leadership, for their own part, have cherry-picked, hyped, spun, and in some ways appear to have lied about, aspects of J6, turning a tragedy for the nation into a politicized talking point aimed at discrediting half of our electorate,” Wolf added.

January 6, Wolf concludes, “has become, as the DNC intended it to become, a “third rail”; a shorthand used to dismiss or criminalize an entire population and political point of view.”

‘Justice for All’ going public was apparently timed to match Donald Trump’s 2023, CPAC address.

The former, and 2024 presidential hopeful’s speech (which was full of Trump idiosyncrasies) declared “I am your justice, and retribution for those who have been wronged, and betrayed.”

Trump said, “he was the only candidate who could prevent World War III.”

He then warned that another world war was going to happen if things didn’t change and fast, promising to “have the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine settled quickly.”

The Trump-J6 Prison choir tune is currently No.2, trailing Cold Play’s Fix You in iTunes Australia’s Alternative category.

YouTube and Spotify are all under 500,000 plays since the single’s March 3rd release.

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