
Top Ten Problems with Joe Biden

Many people are saying that they can’t vote for Donald Trump because of his character, implying that Joe Biden is completely upstanding.

Many people are saying that they can’t vote for Donald Trump because of his character, implying that Joe Biden is completely upstanding. But while I’m in no way defending President Trump’s behaviour or actions, it’s worth noting the number of ways that Biden has himself acted inappropriately. Many of these are so egregious that they would historically have disqualified someone from running for office.

1. Accusations of sexual assault. Sixty Minutes Australia interviewed Tara Reade and her serious allegations against Joe Biden of inappropriate behaviour. Sadly, Reade is not alone in her claims, with many other women also accusing Biden of similar things.

2. Adulterous affair. It has also been recently revealed by The New York Post that Joe Biden started his relationship with his now-wife Jill while she was still married to another man. According to the article, “Bill Stevenson…accused the presumptive Democratic nominee of being a home-wrecker and says the feel-good story of how Joe and Jill met on a blind date is completely made up.”

3. Deception regarding fracking. Biden has all the political principles of a weather vane, with the issue of whether or not he supports or will ban fracking one of the more recent examples. Significantly, even the notoriously left-leaning CNN has confirmed that Biden falsely claimed that he never opposed the practice.

4. History of plagiarism and lying. Biden actually had to withdraw from the 1987 Presidential Campaign due to his plagiarism in law school and exaggerations about his academic record. Indeed, when you watch the video it’s hard to believe that he was ever able to run again for high office.

5. The ‘national security nightmare’ of Hunter Biden’s lap top. What will have to go down as one of the great cover-ups in political history, the computer of Biden’s son Hunter was revealed to contain incriminating evidence of political and moral corruption. The Daily Mail Australia even referred to it as a ‘national security nightmare’. And yet, articles on the subject were blocked from being shared on social media platforms, especially Twitter.

6. Commitment to LGBTIQ legislation. Biden has promised to pass far-reaching LGBTIQ rights legislation—if elected President—within the first 100 days of assuming office. This would undermine the rights of both parents and religious institutions on issues of conscience regarding LGBTIQ issues.

7. Promotion of violence. Biden has repeatedly refused to condemn the violent protests associated with the Black Lives Matter™ movement. What’s more, in a Presidential debate with Trump, Biden dismissed the lawless actions of Antifa as not being an organisation but rather, just an ‘idea’.

8. Commitment to abortion. One of the most vexed moral issues in America at present is the Democratic party’s commitment to extending and enshrining abortion. In a bizarre paradox, Trump himself is not a Christian but has been the most pro-life President in living memory. In comparison, Biden identifies as a Roman Catholic but is the leader of a political party that supports abortion up until birth.

9. Statements about African-Americans. Biden’s track record on race relations is not only well-documented but, quite frankly, appalling. Significantly, even Kamala Harris has rebuked Biden for his political stance on the issue. For instance, according to Intelligencer: ‘Joe Biden once called state-mandated school integration “the most racist concept you can come up with,” and Barack Obama “the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean.” He was a staunch opponent of “forced busing” in the 1970s, and leading crusader for mass incarceration throughout the ‘80s and ‘90s. Uncle Joe has described African-American felons as “predators” too sociopathic to rehabilitate — and white supremacist senators as his friends.

10. Mental infirmity. Biden’s numerous personal gaffs are not only incredibly embarrassing but also the stuff of comedy legend. And if the issues weren’t so serious, it would be funny. But it demonstrates that Biden really doesn’t have the mental or physical capacity to run for President.

Again, none of this—in any way—excuses or minimises the moral failures of President Trump. They also are well-documented. But it’s simply false to claim that Biden is of upstanding, moral character. He’s not. And at 79 years of age, the reality is there’s a very high likelihood that if Biden wins, Kamala Harris could well take over in his place.

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