
Thousands Join March for Life Queensland in a Stand for Good Government Against Lethal Legislation

On this firm basis, good government should push to emphasise curing disease, not killing people. Good government should seek to ease their suffering, not erase their humanity, nor the humanity of genuine healthcare providers.

Queensland March for Life’s annual walk in Brisbane on the weekend showed a strong sense of solidarity for the right to life.

The Cherish Life Queensland sponsored event, drew a 4,000+ strong crowd, was accompanied by Queensland police and ended with brief speeches from Senators Matt Canavan, Amanda Stoker, and George Christensen, at Speaker’s Corner outside Queensland’s Parliament House.

In what the Courier Mail snidely called an “anti-abortion protest” attracting a swarm of self-proclaimed “champions of life,” right to life supporters rallied for:

  1. An end to Queensland’s 2018 abortion-to-birth laws, which have resulted in a 58% increase in abortions.
  2. The Federal Government to allow a vote on the Children born Alive Protection Human Rights bill in 2021.
  3. An increase in state funding for palliative care, against legalising euthanasia (“assisted suicide”) in Queensland.
  4. An end to sex-selective abortions taking place in the state.

A minute silence in memory of the 26,583 baby’s lives taken in 2019, was also observed.

Queensland’s celebrated new radical abortion laws allow “the ‘right’ to terminate a baby’s life for any reason, even up to birth.”

Reporting on the event, the Brisbane Times’ Felicity Caldwell fell in line with the “abortion is healthcare” legacy media backed false doctrine, making a point of reminding readers that Amanda Stoker is “Scott Morrison’s Assistant Minister for Women.”

Caldwell’s not-so-subtle “you’re-anti-women” jab at Stoker was to insinuate some “insidious” conflict of interest, implying that Stoker’s position on terminating a life was incongruent with her position as Assistant Minister for Women.         

That pettiness was added to with Caldwell’s smug reference to Stoker “losing her fight against James McGrath for the coveted first place on the LNP Senate ticket.”

While Queensland’s abortion laws are now some of the most radical in the world, the State faces another round of debates over euthanasia, which, as Caldwell noted could see Queensland follow Victoria, Western Australia, and South Australia in the legalising “assisted suicide” under the same banner of “healthcare” as abortion.

Quoting, David Muir, chair of Clem Jones Trust, the Brisbane Times said that the push for euthanasia was about “choice”; arguing that “the only people who have a choice are those opposed to voluntary assisted dying” (Muir’s sugar-coated euphemism for “assisted suicide”).

He said, “it’s also about compassion and humanity. This is not a choice between life and death. Terminal illness is already a prescribed death. Euthanasia means the person chooses when they die.”

Using a survey carried out by Clem Jones Trust, Muir claimed his views had the majority of support from Queenslanders; saying that supporters also believed in palliative care and that palliative care needed more funding, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all answer.

There’s nothing creepy or anti-women about opposing government overreach through activists demanding lethal legislation.

What is creepy, is reducing conceiving a child to the equivalent of contracting an STD, and treating human life as though it were a virus; a life unworthy of life.

Murder isn’t healthcare.

Each year, Right to Life advocates are essentially marching in time to the Australian Prime Minister’s speech last week, where he called out cancel culture for its moral corrosiveness, saying that humanity’s “inherent dignity” must be preserved.

In essence, the Prime Minister told his Jewish audience that they would know well how important it is to remember that as image-bearers of God, we recall that life, no matter how small, or how faded, is a gift to be cherished, not cancelled.

On this firm basis, good government should push to emphasise curing disease, not killing people.

Good government should seek to ease their suffering, not erase their humanity, nor the humanity of genuine healthcare providers.

Good government would follow anti-Nazi theologian Deitrich Bonhoeffer’s assertion that ‘even in suffering, we should aim to affirm life,’ not surrender breath, and a heartbeat to a clinical, inhuman, and indifferent, culture of death masquerading as “healthcare” or a culture of “choice.”

To donate to towards March For Life, please click here.

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