“No Pledge, No Play”: South African Cricketers Told to Kneel Before Black Lives Matter or Else!
The CSA’s “gesture against racism” should be read as demanding players (of all shades of melanin) fall in line with Black Lives Matter Incorporated’s Marxist groupthink.
“They’re Coming After Your Kids,” Warns Australian Academic and Author
“When you feed power-hungry technocrats you only ever create more of an appetite for power, because that rush, that dopamine rush that they get from seeing everyone fall in line becomes an addiction.”
COP26 Is A Meaty Affair
“Bill Gates is speaking at the conference. Someone should ask him to provide his sustainable ‘crap water’ free of charge where delegates can have a truly immersive experience of our Net Zero future.”
Politicians, Pastors, and Bureaucrats: Whose Mouth Is the Devil Using Right Now?
“Make no mistake, the Devil is very busy indeed. In a time of turmoil and trial, he is busy pointing people in many directions, as long as they don’t go in the one direction that can provide true and lasting relief, namely, the direction of Jesus Christ.”
Climate Catastrophiser Prince Charles Calls for a “War” on Apocalyptic Climate Change
Applying overbearing COVID-19 restrictions, as inspired by Chi-Comm totalitarianism, in order to fight an alleged “climate change crisis,” will be the death knell for constitutional representative democracies.
Human Rights Legal Advocate’s Open Letter to WA Employers
“All employers in Australia need to educate themselves and think deeply about their next move.”
Romanian EU Representatives Expose Culture of Silence on Vaccines, Big Pharma Deals and Vaccine Mandates
“What we have seen in this crisis is that civil rights and liberties have been transformed from fundamental rights to privileges that governments grant or revoke as they see fit.”
JJ Piano: Piano Hymns Volume 2
“A few months back, a friend shared that his church didn’t have musicians in their midst to accompany congregational singing, so he approached me and asked whether I could help in any way.”
Vaccine Passports Were Planned Long Before the Pandemic
“Immunization poses a huge opportunity to scale digital identity,” ID2020 wrote in 2018.
Dictator Dan Has Shown His True Colours With the Pandemic Management Bill
“For a proposed law to not be debated properly, to be rushed through parliament, for it to violate several individual human rights at the same time as being the harshest ‘pandemic response’ laws based on a ‘potential pandemic’- there is only one thing left: Federal intervention based on section 109 of the Constitution – inconsistency.”
Victorian City Councillor Rips Into Daniel Andrews Over Vaccination Segregation
“My creeping assumption is that this government and all other governments like it, need to be reminded that they exist to protect human rights, not blackmail us with them.”
School Takes Young Students on a Field Trip to a Gay Bar
“Menu items at the bar where children were taken for a field trip… includes dishes called ‘Naked Sweaty Lovin,’ ‘Young Ranch Hand,’ ‘Ivana Hooker,’ and ‘The Big Dripper Wrap,'” one respondent noted.
Pro-surfer Health Nut, Kelly Slater, Labelled an Anti-vaxxer for Defending Informed Consent
Another pro-health professional athlete has been defamed as an “anti-vaxxer” after defending informed consent.
Dictatorship For Life in Victoria?
“Western governments can very easily and very quickly descend into tyranny as they strip us of our most fundamental liberties. Any crisis – real or imagined – can serve as a pretext for more government power and control, and more politicians lording it over the masses.”
“Your Body, My Choice”: The Failed Logic of Pro-Abortion, Pro-Mask Mandate Advocates
While they often claim to be on the side of “science”, pro-abortion supporters repeatedly show themselves to be the real “science-deniers” in our world today.
Popular Australian Cartoonist Axed for Criticising Mandatory Vax
“When the only allowable opposition is what the Left approves as opposition, we are no longer dealing with reasoned debate, but a manufactured narrative and its badly constructed religion.”
Australia’s Digital Identity Program: A Pathway to the Social Credit System?
The foundation of despotism has already been laid in our nation, all our government requires is a more effective and streamlined system to implement their regime – could the Digital Identity System provide that?
Limited Government and Lawful Resistance in the Christian Tradition
Trusting too much in government is un-Christian and it always results in oppression and tyranny.
Jordan Peterson: “I’m Not Impressed by This Creeping Authoritarianism in the Name of Public Safety”
For Peterson, forced vaccination is a “sign of the failure of the ‘vaccine’ arguments. To use political and police force to insist is only going to increase distrust, and drive resistance.”
Petition Launched to Stop Mandatory Vaccines for Employees After Supermarket Giants Say Get Jabbed or Get Out
“If a team member chooses not to be vaccinated without a valid exemption, we’ll review their ongoing employment and it will likely lead to termination.”