456 search results for "woke"

Those racism claims, Snopes added, “spread like wildfire, with then-presidential candidate Joe Biden making Trump’s comments on Charlottesville a cornerstone of his campaign.”

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“Even at the peak of the Atlantic slave trade, Africans retained more slaves for themselves than they sent to the Western Hemisphere.”

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“Using an 1871 Klu Klux Klan law, Biden’s bus bureaucrats argue the defendants committed voter intimidation and caused ’emotional’ harm.”

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“Jereth had never received a single complaint from any of his thousands of patients he had treated during his career. Yet, the Medical Board pursued selective complaints about Jereth’s social media posts discussing his personal beliefs on religious and political matters like abortion, marriage, Covid lockdowns and transgender ideology.”

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“We have to win this. If we don’t, this country is going to devolve into some kind of neo-Marxist totalitarian regime.”

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“It’s an evil ideology that turns the idea of God-blessed obedience on its head. It says Western prosperity is not the fruit of righteousness, but the result of sin.”

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“We’re not here as wreckers. We’re here as builders.”

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“The most positive thing to come out of these debates is the increased unity seen between Presbyterians and Baptists over their shared hatred of wokeism’s destructive ideologies.”

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“The whole problem with identity politics as practiced by the left is that they always target the wrong groups. White, conservative, Christian males seem to ALWAYS be the problem – and no one else.”

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“Disney you have a problem, you call others what you yourselves are, you do and are the things you tell others not to do or be,” she said.

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“The documents also imply Biden and his DOJ were ready to fight a Civil War.”

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“As we saw during the pandemic, too many bishops were not leaders at all. They were motivated by fear, fear of being sued, fear of being removed, fear of being disliked.”

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“Prayer is a revolt against the disorder of the world.”

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“Ironically, the multicultural destruction of the West ends in the desecration of the last refuge for life, light, and liberty.”

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“Over 100 organisations are behind importing the HAMAS-Israel conflict, most of them… harbour pro-HAMAS messaging and ties.”

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“As this globalist statism is likely to only get worse in the days ahead, returning to these older documents becomes more needful than ever.”

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“It doesn’t matter if the man ‘poses no physical threat.’ Harm can be inflicted psychologically. And for many victims of abuse, that’s exactly where much of the suffering takes place.”

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“The withdrawal of personal freedoms in our present time has been sold to the populace as a positive thing and a means of protecting them from any perceived threat. Slavery to the State has been presented as the gateway to health and prosperity.”

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“Australians are still paying a high price for their leaders’ overreaction…”

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“It clearly shows how vague ‘hate speech’ laws allow government to weaponize the legal process as a punishment for opposing views.”

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