Trump Responds to Third “Department of Injustice” Indictment
“Nothing like this has ever happened in America before. They illegally spied on my campaign, attacked me with a totally fake ‘dossier’ funded by the Clinton campaign, and the DNC. Impeached me twice [and lost], and failed on the Mueller Witch Hunt – there was no Russian collusion.”
Over 700 Babies Left to Die After Botched Abortions in Australia
“A national scandal.”
Finnish DOJ’s Persecution of Acquitted Bible Quoting Legislator Is a Massive Waste of Taxpayer Funds
“Christians in the West need to wake up. You’ve got to understand what’s going on, and what’s happening. This is an absolute strategy designed to take away rights, and the outlawing of Christians would be the end product.”
Canavan Bill Demands Answers Over Labor/Green Confiscation of Christian Hospital
“The Queensland Coalition senator has tabled a bill asking how, and why, Calvary Hospital was forced to surrender its Christian ethos, and ownership to the Labor/Green cabal by the end of June.”
Voice Advocate Says: “F*** Reconciliation! It’s Time for Reckoning, Reparations, Land Back!”
“The concept of the Voice is the first step in redistributing power,” said the senior advisor to the Labor Government on the Voice to Parliament.
New How-To-Guide for Christian Homeschooling Is a Ground Breaking Australian First
“The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts. Starving students of sensibility makes them easy prey for the propagandist.”
France To Allow Police To Spy On Citizens Through Phone Cameras and Microphones
“The bill has again highlighted a disturbing trend in the Western world that’s seen powers abandon once-valued risky freedom for what’s introduced as safe slavery.”
WEF: Governments Can Program Digital Currency To Prohibit “Less Desirable” Purchases, Add Expiry Dates
“We’d do well to think long and hard about the implications of handing power over to people who so explicitly reject the idea that there is any power over them.”
Christian Ministry Allegedly De-banked by Left-Wing Lobbyists Handed £20,000 Pay-Out
“The hate campaign to cripple CIT is one more sad example in a growing list of examples where lives and livelihoods are being used to force compliance with far-left-wing ideology.”
U.S. Supreme Court Buries Forced Speech in Massive Free Speech Win
“The First Amendment protects an individual’s right to speak his mind regardless of whether the government considers his speech sensible and well-intentioned or deeply ‘misguided,’ and likely to cause ‘anguish’ or ‘incalculable grief.'”
Farage Being De-Banked Will Backfire
“If they de-bank me, they can do it to you too.”
Australians Slam Proposed “We’ll Be Your Single Source of Truth” Legislation
“The legislation would bestow on the government the absolute power to silence political opponents.”
YouTube Bans Australian Politicians Maiden Speech to Parliament
“Never before in Australian history has a politician’s maiden speech to parliament been banned from YouTube.”
Meet the Australian Women Standing Up For Free Speech and Female-Only Spaces
“Our society is legislating away the reality of biological sex, redefining women to include biological men; encoding legal fictions into law, and punishing those who refuse to comply.”
Three Lies of Pride Month
“Is there anything more animalistic than reducing a person to the sum of their sexual desires?”
Parental Rights Declared “Hateful Extremism” by SPLC
“It’s NOT ‘extremist’ to make sure parents have a say in their children’s education. It IS extremist to call a group of patriotic moms a ‘hate group.'”
Amazon Shutdown Smart Home for a Week After Hate Speech Allegation
“News of Amazon locking out a Smart Home user over hate speech allegations is raising questions about technocratic overreach.”
Parents Could Have Their Children Removed if They Refuse to ‘Affirm’ A Child’s Gender Identity Under Newly Amended California Bill
“…courts would be given the authority to remove children from their homes if their parents refused to accept LGBTQ+ ideology.”
“Digital Prison”: Aldi Slammed for Implementing “No App, No Food” System
“In-store cameras will track shoppers, adding items to each personal account as they’re picked up or bagged.”
Trump Indicted, Again
“…they want to wear down voters by infecting them with ‘Trump fatigue.'”