Who Is Peter Dutton, and Will He Fight for Freedom and Reclaim the Line?
“As hopeful as Dutton’s election is for centre-right Christians and classical liberals, until they see proof of the new LNP leader’s resolve, and effectiveness, Dutton’s election will mean diddly squat.”
On the Albanese Labor Win
“In many ways, voters were left with a choice between Tweedledum and Tweedledumber. The latter won.”
We’re Witnessing the Greatest Power Grab In Our Lifetime
“Even worse, compulsory vaccination is part of the International Health Regulations, and may now be forced on all Australians if this vote succeeds,” Senator Roberts warned.
Labor Replaces Wokism With Workers in Soviet-Lite Five-Year Housing Plan Election Cash Splash
If the government can take your job under the guise of “the greater good”, with part ownership, they can take your house, and maybe the cat, kids, and the whole kaboodle too.
Politics, Elections and the Kingdom of God
“Good government cannot produce virtuous citizens, but it can curtail evil ones.”
The Unforgivable
“Shall I forgive my friends and family for abandoning me when I needed them most?”
Vote Albo, Get a Joe Biden
“Yesterday’s inaction, when action was required, negates Albanese’s promise of action today.”
The Second Coming of Christensen: The Bane of the Mad & Mild Left to Join One Nation
“The more I queried One Nation’s policies and looked at their constitution, their core beliefs, the things that Pauline has been campaigning on recently, just about everything aligned with my views.”
How to View the War in Ukraine?
“This war is not a border crisis between a major power and minor power. It is a war between a regional power and the global aggressive empire, with the minor power caught in the middle.”
Kyle Sandilands Says He ‘Conned’ the Public Into Getting Vaccinated Through ‘National Campaign’
“I’m fit and proper to do the national campaign to con everyone into getting vaccinated.”
UN Accuses Australia of Contributing to “Mutually Assured Destruction” for Not Rapidly Phasing Out Coal
“Full of newspeak, Guterres’ speech is a glaringly obvious example of the UN’s utter irrelevance.”
Who is Volodymyr Zelensky, the Idolised President of Ukraine?
Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, has been winning hearts and support from many people as his country is in the midst of a war declared by Russian President Vladimir Putin, but who is he?
NSW Set to Mandate Unlimited Booster Shots Under Vague “Stay up to Date” COVID-Smart Edicts
“Minister Mitchell refused to rule out a quadruple vaccination employment mandate for NSW teachers.”
Who’s To Blame for Ukraine?
Australia evacuates Ukraine embassy in Kyiv, issues “Get Out Now” warning to its citizens.
‘Free Novak Djokovic’ Petition Gets Over 80,000 Signatures In Three Days
“If a successful, internationally recognized professional athlete can fall victim to the human rights violations of the ruling class, anybody can.
Senator Critical of Government Overreach Detained in Quarantine Hotel, Says He’s Been Targeted by “Bureaucratic Overlords”
“They’re not really after me, they’re after all of us,” the Senator said.
What’s Happening in Austria Now Should Shock Us All
Many jurisdictions around the world are turning into full-tilt health dictatorships, but Austria seems to be leading the way at the moment.
Australian Senator’s Advocacy for the Wounded Shames Those Refusing to Sigh With the Wounded
When asked about his reasons for doing so, the Senator’s blunt reply was, “I can’t walk by the victims.”
Senator Calls for Immediate Suspension of Vaccine Rollout for Children Following the Death of 14-Year-Old Girl
“If ever there was a reason when the precautionary principle should be applied, then the safety of our children should be it.”
“No Pledge, No Play”: South African Cricketers Told to Kneel Before Black Lives Matter or Else!
The CSA’s “gesture against racism” should be read as demanding players (of all shades of melanin) fall in line with Black Lives Matter Incorporated’s Marxist groupthink.