67 search results for "musk"

“With the added cancellation of projects from Kendi, and Markle, Netflix appears to have heeded the ‘go woke, go broke’ axiom.”

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Evelyn Rae and Ian Miles Cheong discuss Elon Musk, Disney and the woke takeover, transgenderism and kids, the Great Reset, and more.

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“The unsurprising news highlights greater concern about who polices the thought police in a world where subjectivism replaces truth, and feelings replace facts.”

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“We watch quietly as our beliefs come under attack from our own employer, and we frequently see those who share our opinions condemned as villains by our own leadership.”

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“Doctors elsewhere report similar surges, with children — some as young as 8 — deliberately running into traffic, overdosing on pills and otherwise self-harming.”

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…and what fitting gods they make for a narcissistic social era that can’t seem to stop staring at itself in the mirror.

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Michael Moore’s, The Planet of the Humans is currently one of the top trending videos on YouTube. Just in time for the Wuhan Virus lockdown, Moore has released his latest documentary for free! And in less than a week it is quickly closing in on a massive, two-million views. The great battle over global warming has always been identified as the authority of science. But now, Moore’s documentary reveals that the science is secondary to the question of religion. And as such, this is probably Moore’s most valuable work to date. Planet of the Humans makes for at times excruciating…

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