500 search results for "human rights"

“We suspect the ringleaders are hoping everyone just moves on and forgets.”

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“…since the nation state has proved to be a stable foundation of democratic government and secular jurisdiction, we ought to improve it, to adjust it, even to dilute it, but not to throw it away.”

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“His views of the future and how we can survive are not based on a belief in a good God working out his purposes but on the worldview of transhumanism.”

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“While the anti-Australia Day movement might feel homegrown, it is a vital branch of a radical global movement best described as Western Marxism.”

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“Without accountability, and truth and reconciliation commissions, and terrible, commensurate levels of justice served to suit the crimes committed, as South Africa, Sierra Leone, Rwanda and Germany have all learned to their cost, there is nothing at all to ensure that the exact same crimes won’t be committed again.”

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“World-class gaslighting.”

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“The world needs to know that Brazil today has more than 1,000 political prisoners who face much harsher sentences than those of rapists, drug traffickers and murderers.”

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“In sum, the Bible College argued that Edwards posting about sound Biblical doctrine, was a breach of the biblical institution’s social media policies.”

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“From declaring that multiculturalism had failed, to rejecting open borders, and opposing the LGBTQ+ takeover of law enforcement, Braverman is every bit a Margaret Thatcher.”

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“The fundamental values of the liberal tradition were in fact exemplified, formulated, and wrought into the texture of Western society by Christianity, not only as a school of thought but as a way of life and feeling: as a religion, in short.”

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“By all appearances, 8371 is a pretence for a ban on religious freedom, period.”

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“The White House wants harsher sentencing for those already doing time in Biden’s J6 gulags.”

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“What El Dorado County did by backing down was grant power to dishonest critics and left-wing bullies.”

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“We are standing against a legal regime that’s going all around the world. It’s utterly destroying not just sex-based rights in law and culture. It is destroying every other democratic right since the Magna Carta.”

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“The once-Christian West is now the most anti-Christian part of the planet.”

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“Rodrigo Ivan Cortes and Gabriel Quadri were accused, tried, and convicted of ‘gender-based political violence’ after criticising transgenderism online.”

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“Increasingly we are being vindicated. Barely a day goes by when we do not learn even more about just how wrong so much of the ‘science’ was, how dictatorial and totalitarian our governments were, and how much medical fascism was allowed to take place.”

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“Our society is legislating away the reality of biological sex, redefining women to include biological men; encoding legal fictions into law, and punishing those who refuse to comply.”

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“Hindsight is not good enough. Foresight should be the specialty of the church.”

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