If Pagans Can Do It
“Imagine what the highly capable European peoples of the western world could achieve if freed from the massive weight of the burden of debt around their necks?”
Burned January 6 Conscientious Objector Calls Out Weaponization of the FBI
“The Special Agent, turned FBI whistle-blower, inferred that he was punished for opposing the ‘FBI’s deviation from normal case-management protocols.’”
No More Lies – We Must Proclaim the Truth, Even if It Costs Us
“If the world is against the truth, then I am against the world.”
Locals Accuse Trans Activists of Triggering Brawl by Smashing Crucifix and Blocking Entry Into Church
“So, when news broke that an LGBTQ activist group planned on turning up for the sole purpose of disrupting an event hosted by the church, the neighbourhood was naturally alarmed.”
Deeming and the Death of the Liberal Party
“But both on a state level and a federal level, we have seen a string of Christians and conservatives booted out or hounded out of the Liberal Party. Those who are courageously pro-life, pro-family, and pro-faith are now nearly anathema there.”
Removed From iTunes, Apple Reinstates Trump/J6 Prison Choir Duet, Blames Intern ‘Miscommunication’
“If we were raising money for Ukraine, it would never would have happened.”
Marxist Students Suspended for Attacking Terrified Turnbull
“The protest, as reported by Caldron Pool at the time, was a scene of absurdist hilarity as privileged uni student socialists with arms the size of string beans squealed noisily into megaphones while our former Prime Minister awkwardly tried to talk his way out of the situation.”
Trump Duet With J6 Prison Choir ‘Justice for All’ Hits No.1
“Profits from the song will go directly to helping families of those held for political reasons regarding January 6.”
New Petition Backs One Nation’s 2020 NSW Religious Freedom Bill Abandoned by the Big Parties
“Opponents of religious freedom know if they can tear down freedom of religion, they are removing the vanguard of conscience, thought, faith, and family.”
The Ugly Vilification of Moira Deeming Is Reprehensible
“Imagine adhering to what most people for millennia have believed, that ‘do no harm’ is the first principle of medicine, as even the pagan Hippocratic Oath put it 2500 years ago. But of course, one quite rarely gets taught that in medical school today.”
LGBT ‘Conversion Therapy’ Lawfare’s First Victim Is Ex-LGBT: Born This Way vs. Born Again
“Conversion therapy lawfare claims its first victim with Maltese police criminally charging a former homosexual under Malta’s 2016 ‘conversion therapy’ laws.”
Thoughts on the Passing of Historian Paul Johnson
“The notions of political and economic freedom both spring from the workings of the Christian conscience as a historical force; and it is thus no accident that all the implantations of freedom throughout the world have ultimately a Christian origin.”
Robert Kennedy Jr. Launches Landmark Legacy Media Lawsuit Over COVID Censorship
“The lawsuit will impact small news organisations that’ve been at the back-hand of Silicon Valley censorship for presenting reasoned viewpoints which question the hegemony’s prevailing political narrative.”
Woketivists Cancel Carson: “He’s Trump in Blackface”
Detroit’s school board has cancelled acclaimed neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson, based upon claims “his name was synonymous with having Trump in blackface.”
Dan Andrews Wants Us to Embrace Islam – So Does He Embrace the Recent Indonesian Law Changes?
“I have no doubt that there will not be one journalist in Victoria smart enough and moral enough to call him out on all this.”
Twitter Unplugged: Musk Makes War on Child Sexploitation, While Leftists Scream ‘Democracy Is Dead’
“Most impressive of all feats so far is Elon Musk’s determination to eradicate child sexual exploitation (CSE) material from Twitter; and, if I’ve read the sentiment right, he plans to take the fight against CSE beyond the bird.”
EU Fines France for Violating Feminist’s ‘Rights’ Over Kill Christmas: Abort-Jesus Stunt
“Kitted out with ox livers to illustrate the termination of a baby’s life in the womb, Bouton then urinated on the floor in full view of the congregation.”
We’re Seeing Encouraging Signs of a Fightback Against the COVID Cult
“We all know that the three hardest words to say in English are ‘I was wrong.’ Admitting you erred or fell for a con job is never easy. But it is the mark of intellectual integrity to do so.”
Killer Freed After Admitting He Mowed Down Conservative Teenager Over ‘Political Argument’
The middle-aged leftist was drunk at the time of the incident and claimed that the young slain conservative was a “part of a Republican extremist group”.
The Left’s Domestic Terrorism Double Standard
ANTIFA gets a free ride, just don’t fly the American flag, or you might end up being raided by the FBI.