540 search results for "god over government"

“As this globalist statism is likely to only get worse in the days ahead, returning to these older documents becomes more needful than ever.”

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“Just read through the Psalms and you will see many topics that you would never hear in the average church worship set.”

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“…the interest that extremists have in infiltrating the Catholic Church is not so difficult to explain. No revolutionary undertaking can be successful in a deeply religious society like Brazil without the support of the powerful Catholic clergy.”

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“…it would be cultish to consider obedience to a Christian leader absolute… Paul never calls for absolute submission to any form of human authority.”

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“Christians invented the separation of church and state. That’s our doctrine. But, what people today mean about church and state, is a separation of God and state; morality and state.”

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“Not without irony, the ‘most pro-life president ever,’ seems to believe the United States cannot be saved without child sacrifice.”

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“If Christianity goes, the whole culture goes.”

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“Teaching from God’s Word is ‘extreme right-wing’? Well, that says a lot about the Greens, doesn’t it!”

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“So many of the big social changes of recent times in Australia haven’t even been driven by the parliament, let alone by the people.”

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“The ability to own a home is disappearing for many in the upcoming generations, unless of course, husband, wife, and soon children, work, which is far from a nation under blessing. And will still only work for so long.”

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“Under modern paganism, all beliefs are equally valid except the views of the Creator as described in the Bible.”

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“We suspect the ringleaders are hoping everyone just moves on and forgets.”

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“We should be far more willing to suffer and do what is good rather than worry about being seen as good by our decadent society…”

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“Some like to keep these truths out of public discussion, particularly those who want to believe they can be the surrogate saviours of society. They create alarmism and then pretend to rescue the hurting from the pain of their making.”

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“This isn’t about health, it’s about ideology.”

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“His views of the future and how we can survive are not based on a belief in a good God working out his purposes but on the worldview of transhumanism.”

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“What we are witnessing…is the destruction of the once-Christian culture that made the Western democracies great.”

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“While the anti-Australia Day movement might feel homegrown, it is a vital branch of a radical global movement best described as Western Marxism.”

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“Over time so many once-great Christian institutions are now just institutions. Some of them still give at least nominal recognition to their Christian past, but they often seem to be doing their best to play it down or ignore it altogether.”

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Hinting that the decision was a tactical retreat, it is possible DeSantis knows a second big defeat in New Hampshire could hinder any chances of a 2028 candidacy.”

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