557 search results for "free speech"

A New York judge has ruled President Donald Trump cannot legally block offensive or trolling Twitter users because it violates their right to free speech in a “public forum.” I sued the President, and I won. https://t.co/hE3rWcxIAY — RPBP (@rpbp) May 23, 2018 United States district judge Naomi Reice Buchwald said, “The president presents the @realDonaldTrump account as being a presidential account as opposed to a personal account and, more importantly, uses the account to take action that can be taken only by the president as president.” The Knight First Amendment Institute, representing seven plaintiffs who had been blocked, brought…

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Professor Jordan B. Peterson and Bill Maher discuss the poison of political correctness and the necessary fight for free speech. Language warning. First of all it’s hard to make people safe because life is seriously not safe. The way that you make people resilient is by exposing them to the things that they’re afraid of and that make them uncomfortable, voluntarily, but you use exposure. So, if you over coddle people, if you protect them from everything that’s sharp, you make them dull and stupid and narcissistic, and it’s a really bad idea. You can watch the exchange in the…

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Earlier this week Liberty Victoria awarded Yassmin Abdel-Magied the 2018 Young Voltair Award. In a series of tweets, Abdel-Magied announced, “I won an award for Free Speech y’all. This one is for all those young Muslims and POC [people of colour] in Aus and around the world who know their equality is conditional, but know they need to speak anyway… And for all those who tried to silence me… Eat your hearts out.” This one is for all those young Muslims and POC in Aus and around the world who know their equality is conditional, but know they need to speak…

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“The big crisis facing America is not racial. It is the moral and spiritual freefall that is consuming our children.”

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“When the state is not restrained by a law greater than itself, it will become a law unto itself,” Evelyn said.

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“If they don’t moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control,” Clinton admitted.

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“Applying more socialism to cure the consequences of socialism only deepens the problem.”

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“In order to reestablish ourselves as ‘that shining city upon a hill,’ we must acknowledge we are One Nation Under God…”

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“I’m doing this for our freedoms, for all Australians who are sick and tired of the bullying and the harassment of the radical left who expect us all to comply with their Woke religion.”

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“The poor woman will now have to suffer in prison for years while her two children will be deprived of her love and care.”

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“Christus Rex is a foundational belief that has underpinned Western Civilisation for the length of its lifespan so far.”

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“The protests take place amid concerns that Brazil’s President, Lula da Silva, is currently installing a brutal authoritarian regime based on the radical suppression of basic human rights and freedoms.”

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“Significant factions of the Conservative Party have turned their back on their own supporters and values.”

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“The plight of Alverez and the Nicaraguan church in general speaks volumes about how misinformation/disinformation laws can quickly deteriorate into weapons of forced speech and mass censorship.”

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“Who would have thought, that Australia could become a society that persecutes Christians, or other faiths, for simply adhering to their fundamental beliefs on gender, and life.”

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“There are all kinds of legitimate and necessary restrictions on every kind of liberty man has, and these are necessary for the maintenance of liberty, because liberty cannot be equated with anarchy.”

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“The ‘Yes’ campaign’s subliminal insertion into the PM’s speech was an abuse of the office’s ANZAC Day platform.”

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“His alleged crime? Kneeling to offer a 15-second, quiet personal prayer in the centre of the field after three games.”

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“Lessons on tolerance were being replaced with lessons on inclusion. It wasn’t enough anymore to just accept each other’s differences with respect. Now students were required to affirm and celebrate beliefs they did not share.”

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