The Caldron Pool Show: #47 – Whitewashing and the New Blackface
Evelyn Rae chats with Samuel Sey about forced diversity and Hollywood’s new blackface: casting black actors for white characters.
Woke College Allegedly Fires Black Woman for Refusing to Hate White People
“Lee was being punished for being ‘the wrong kind of black person’: one dedicated to classical liberal understandings of equality, individualism, reason, and free speech.”
Consent Is No Basis for Morality
“A workable ethic, or morality, should take into consideration what harm can be done to your body, and to your relationships by practicing a certain behaviour. This is why it is important to transcend basing your morality on merely something like consent.”
California Is Bleeding Actors: “I Don’t Feel Much Further Need for Hollywood”
Actors talk ditching socialist California, while Dreyfuss dumps on Hollywoke.
BLM Chases Murder Charge for Retired Marine Who Protected Subway Passengers
A witness said, the homeless man was “screaming in an aggressive manner,” saying, “he had had no food, drink, was tired, didn’t care if he went to gaol, and was ready to die.”
Day Care Industry Changes Will Turn Educators Into Orwellian Government Puppets
“What this turn towards 1984 looks like, is a seditious scheme to replace parents with parenting professionals.”
No More Lies – We Must Proclaim the Truth, Even if It Costs Us
“If the world is against the truth, then I am against the world.”
Disagreement Isn’t Murderous Hatred, and Those Who Say Otherwise Are Grooming Killers
“We don’t debate ideas anymore because they’re not considered ‘ideas’ anymore. Every contrary idea is an imminent threat to life and liberty. At least, that’s what the naïve and unstable have been groomed to believe, and yet so few have considered the implications of equating disagreement with murderous hatred.”
Meta Misogynists Boot Kirralie Smith for Challenging Football Australia’s Trans Policy
“Powerful men shutting down women’s voices – is that stunning and brave?”
Elon Musk Warns ‘World Government Summit’ That A Global Government Could Lead to Civilizational Collapse
“Too much cooperation between governments creates a civilizational risk.”
Feminism’s War on Femininity
“As a result of this push to get women into the workforce, we have a generation of children being raised predominantly by institutions rather than mothers.”
Equity Educators Hid Uni Entrance Scores Chanting “Equality of Outcome, Regardless of Effort!”
“We cannot punish success in order to have ‘equal outcomes at all costs.'”
The Secular Left West Is Becoming Ever More Similar to Communism
“While at first Western governments sought some form of accommodation with religion, over the past few decades they have been on an aggressive ideological mission.”
The Collapse of Christianity is Undermining Trust and the Rule of Law Over Power: Hitchens
Hitchens warned that as Christianity departs from the Western world, so too must the positive consequences of Christian influence.
Report Reveals DOJ Bias in Response to Far-Left Extremism
“In 2021, the FBI reported 240 anti-Christian ‘hate crimes.’ This was up from 213 anti-Christian incidents in 2020.”
In Danistan Islam Is Promoted While Christianity Is Attacked
“So let me get this straight: Dan Andrews hates with a passion biblical Christianity, especially because it condemns homosexuality. But he loves Islam, even though it also condemns homosexuality, and is happy to see the death penalty applied to homosexuals.”
A Review of ‘The Case for Christian Nationalism’
“While Christianity embraces people from all cultures and languages and nations, that spiritual unity does not mean there is no longer a place for nations and ethnic groupings.”
The Public Arena Is Not Neutral
“There was no explosive event of anti-religious tyranny. A thousand nudges seemingly led Christians, largely willingly or at best begrudgingly, to confine their religion to churches, privatize religion, and surrender the public to hostile secularization.”
Why the Frankfurt Declaration Is Necessary
“…states psychologically manipulated individuals by deliberately scaring them with predictions of horrific mortality rates and agonizing deaths by suffocation, as internal government papers show and some governments have openly admitted. Distrust of others was promoted by portraying them as potential threats to life and limb. Such propaganda enables many states to impose policies that infringed on people’s rights and liberties in ways that previously seemed unthinkable in the ‘free’ world.”
Did John Howard Fail Australia?
“Howard had the ring of power. He had the chance to enact a cultural revolution, to reform Australian society in a better direction, to tear down and reshape the organs of the leftist establishment which decides the direction of our culture. Instead, he chose Workchoices.”