“No Jab, No Job”: Is Bureaucratic Rule By Decree Superseding Constitutional Guarantees?
The current government must know that it is political suicide to kill fundamental freedoms, through an iron-fisted – consequences be damned – mandatory COVID-19 vaccination of everyone who didn’t need it, or want it.
“Absolutely Disgusting”: Australian Government Slammed Over “Scaremongering” Campaign
The Chief Medical Officers said the ads clear purpose is to urge people to stay home, get tested, and book in for a vaccination.
Government Tracking To Be Mandatory in Australia
In the conservative Howard and Bush government era, under the shadow of 9/11, a track and trace surveillance equivalent of the Islamic community was heralded as Islamophobic. The approach was red-flagged as fascist; oppressive and a breach of human rights and civil liberties.
Historian Slams Push for Mandatory COVID Vaccinations for Kids: “History Will Judge Us by What We Do Next”
History will judge society for what it’s willing to sacrifice on the altar of COVID.
Craig Kelly Says Vaccine Program Must Be Halted: “Informed Consent Is Not Occurring”
“…with mass brainwashing ‘informed consent’ is not occurring,” Kelly said.
Scott Morrison Pushes For A Divided Australia: “You Get Vaccinated and All This Changes”
“Australia gets vaccinated, Australia is able to live differently,” Morrison said.
Underreported: Deaths After Vaccine Outnumber COVID Deaths, Australian Stats From Jan-June 2021 Reveal
As of June 28, 2021, there are 272 dead following the vaccines, only 1 dead from COVID-19.
Censoring Medical Professionals Is Lunacy Over Logic: There’s No Uninstall Button
When censorship devours in the name of narrative, not news, to follow the science, may mean following the silence.
“Anti-Vaxxer” Is the New “That’s Racist”
Questioning the legitimacy of an untested, rushed vaccine isn’t “anti-vaxx”, it’s pro-science, pro-people and pro-common sense.
Pastor Faces Six Years in Prison and $600,000 in Fines for Refusing to Turn People Away From His Church
Pastor Richardson said he has counted the cost and is prepared to suffer.
Coerced Vaccines and Medical Passports Are Forms of Medical Apartheid
“This is not just a blatant violation of key codes of medical ethics, but it is resulting in a new case of discrimination and bigotry: an upper class of the vaxxed, and a lower class of the un-vaxxed.”
Boris Johnson Urges World Leaders to “Build Back Better In a More Gender-Neutral and Feminine Way”
“Build Back Better means totalitarian rule by a global, technocratic elite – as constrictive and immiserating as life under fascism or communism.”
Apple to Install Vaccine Passport Feature on All iPhones
“You can securely share verifiable immunizations and lab results to facilitate flights, workplace screenings, event screenings, and more,” Apple states.
Doctors vs The State: Excessive Lockdowns are Political, Not Medicinal
“The government saying that potentially life-saving counter-COVID treatments can hurt us while shoving an untested vaccine down our throats doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.”
Craig Kelly vs Facebook
Kelly is up against a large leftist technocratic political, and financial power bloc, that is increasingly proving itself to be a threat to constitutional democracy.
Pauline Hanson on Vaccine Passports: “Don’t Accept This Dictatorship”
“Please don’t sit back and accept this dictatorship, because that’s what it is. We have rights and under the Constitution, they have no right to stop any person being able to move across borders freely,” Pauline Hanson said.
Compliance Cards and Five Bizarre COVID Vaccine Sales Pitches
While free stuff is a better option than mandatory vaccinations, it shouldn’t be an either/or option.
Mass Anti-Israel Protests Celebrated While Pastors Are Arrested for Holding Church Services
People can’t do Church. They can join a mass protest to hate on Israel because it’s part of the approved narrative – COVID rules need not apply.
Chinese Military Document from 2015 Discusses Weaponizing Coronavirus: “A New Era of Genetic Weapons”
“Biological weapons will not only cause widespread morbidity and mass casualties, but also induce formidable psychological pressures that could affect combat effectiveness,” the document states.
They Censor Because They’re Scared Of Truth
This overthrow of elected representatives raises some important questions about where we go from here.