YouTube Removes Joe Rogan’s Interviews With Dr Robert Malone & Dr Peter McCollough
“Not allowing legitimate alternative scientific thought from the ‘narrative’ on COVID should make everyone wake up.”
The Worshipers of the Vax: The Rise of a New Global Religion
“With the rise of a new priestly and evangelistic class, we have also witnessed the revelation of a new class of worshippers.”
We Are Now Witnessing the Development of a New Underground
“The West today is moving in such perilous and dangerous directions that the need for new underground movements is now imminent. In fact, it is already upon us.”
A Pastor’s Confession: Why the Church Should Speak Up
A biblical/gospel issue regarding the government’s reaction to Covid-19.
Big Tech Scrambles to Axe Joe Rogan’s Bioethics Talk With Dr. Peter McCollough
Mass Psychosis is the Pandemic’s Epidemic
“Vaccines Are Not Stopping Transmission,” Says NSW Health Minister
“The one thing that we know about this–the one thing that it would appear to be likely with the Omicron variant is that the vaccines are not stopping transmission. The transmission appears to be quite high,” Hazzard said.
“Australia Is in a Dark Place,” Says Senator Forced Into Quarantine Detention Under Guard
“The fact representatives like Antic, Christensen, Roberts, Kelly and Rennick are seemingly being railroaded by a bloated bureaucracy, and big media, suggests they’re hitting a raw nerve, and are perhaps closer to the truth than Australia’s political class wants them to be.”
Selected Comments From the Church and Covid Vaccination Survey
“Both my wife and I are in education and will lose our jobs. I can’t even bring this up at church because the expectation is that we follow the government orders. There is no empathy or understanding as to why we wouldn’t ‘just get the jab’.”
Christensen: They’re Pushing Fake News on You
“Making me a villain is a good diversion from the horrible reality that vaccine mandates are causing Australians to lose their jobs, and that many Australian families are suffering as a result.”
Ramy Kamel’s Two Year “Misinformation” Incarceration Teaches the West That Stolen Liberty Is Not Likely to Be Returned
Kamel’s detention was just extended by 45 days. The second extension this year.
Everywhere We Find Big Brother Statism Getting Worse and Worse
“The cycle will never end. It is the perfect recipe for endless dictatorship. Keep the masses utterly immersed in fear and panic, keep the variants coming, and offer an endless supply of booster shots (creating an ever-greater class of Big Pharma millionaires), and you have slaves for life.”
#NotAnOrganDonorAnymore Trends After Queensland Health Says Unvaccinated Will Be Denied Life-Saving Surgery
There is “a minimum requirement of two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine prior to receiving a kidney, lung or heart transplant.”
Member of European Parliament Accuses Australian Government of Trampling on Human Rights, Civil Liberties, and the Rule of Law
Christine Anderson (MEP) said the government’s response to the virus is not about “breaking the fourth wave,” but instead, “it is all about breaking people.”
Senator Critical of Government Overreach Detained in Quarantine Hotel, Says He’s Been Targeted by “Bureaucratic Overlords”
“They’re not really after me, they’re after all of us,” the Senator said.
Virgin Australia’s Slow Descent Towards Mandating Vaccines for Domestic Travellers
Word on the street is that Virgin Australia is still holding the line against participating in discrimination on the grounds of a person’s private medical status.
Freedom Rally Protests Continue as Even Stronger Crowds Fill Australian Streets With the Voice of Dissent
“No jab, no job,” is the equivalent of “any dissent against the state, equals no food for you and your kid’s plate.”
Why the Lab-Leak Theory Should Be Taken Seriously
“The unforgivable failures on so many levels means the world is still in the dark about the precise turn of events that sparked this pandemic, and this of course leaves the world vulnerable to whatever comes next.”
The Worshipers of the Vax: The Rise of a New Idol
“…in the minds of many, perhaps even in the minds of most people right now, the status of the vaccines is quickly being raised to a status of a quasi-divine entity upon whom the power of giving and taking life has been bestowed.”
Australian Medical Association: “You Won’t Be Able to Hide. Your Life Will Be Miserable”
“‘No jab, no job’ is political, not medical. It is a fierce medical violation of a person’s conscience, rights, body, and consent. It is not patient care.”
Hundreds of Thousands of Australians Rise up in Defence of Civil Liberties, Informed Consent and the Restoration of Good Government
“The massive wave of protests in Australia follows months of protests in France, and the rising wave of visible dissent in Austria, and Italy, as governments continue to pursue a hard-line authoritarian course further into the abyss of therapeutic totalitarianism.”