155 search results for "canada"

“Pressured into converting to Islam, on the premise her death sentence would become life in prison, Shagufta refused, declaring ‘I would rather be hanged than deny Jesus Christ.'”

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“In a moment of great anxiety, most of society threw away its principles. Now some are going to be, justly, made to pay for that.”

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“What has thoroughly happened to Halloween in Anglo-Saxon countries, is something we see happening with Christmas. Just as Halloween has been paganized, so is Christmas being paganized, right before our eyes. The way we see it celebrated today, is, to me, just another example of how our culture is forgetting its Christian roots and legacy.”

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“The Enlightenment, with its impious view of human perfectibility, was a collective manifestation of the sin of pride – an ‘insurrection against God’. The violence of the Revolution was entirely what must be expected, when people attempt to deny the reality of original sin and take their destiny into their own hands.”

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“We are impoverished for quality leadership animated by genuine faith.”

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“We are owed not just plenty of apologies, but one can almost now talk about Covid reparations.”

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“If the Bureaucratic caste can milk the manufactured side of the COVID crisis for all its worth, what’s stopping them from squeezing as much political profit from a ‘Climate Crisis’ smelted in the same fires and forged on the same conveyor belt of forced consensus, doom and gloom?”

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“One-thousand years of common law, a fancy way of saying ‘rules created in response to practical situations’, has given us the world’s best system from the English.”

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“The three-judge panel’ effectively ruled that Islamic law has jurisdiction over Christians and non-Muslims, potentially making Islamic law judge, jury, and executioner.”

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“An important lesson drawn from COVID-19’s vaccine mandates is the cognitive distortions they expose.”

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“The Uluru Statement from the Heart (TUSH) will not unite Australians but only divide us. It will not address the many real needs that indigenous peoples face on a day-to-day basis, and as such, it should be firmly rejected as a way forward. And that’s because it’s an attempt to undermine decision-making and due process in a western democracy that already affords aboriginal political representation.”

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“Only weeks ago, it was the admitted goal of our own leaders to make life unlivable for the unvaccinated. And as a deputized collective, we force-multiplied that pain, taking the fight into our families, friendships, and workplaces. Today, we face the hard truth that none of it was justified…”

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“They burned churches in Canada for the alleged murder of children. Now they’re burning churches for the ‘right’ to murder children.”

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“I was hoping to teach my daughter to fly. She wanted to be a pilot. That will probably never happen. All courtesy of the vaccine,” Captain Snow said.

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Evelyn Rae chats with Laura Klassen, founder and director of CHOICE42, a Christian, anti-abortion organization based in Canada with a worldwide reach.

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Here are five videos that offer invaluable insights into the COVID issue.

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“This is a defiant reminder from the former President that he isn’t going anywhere, and the DNC, Hillary Clinton and company, are not going to get away scot-free.”

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“…unlike the peaceful Freedom Convoy, there are virtually no legacy media outlets or Canadian politicians referring to the attacks against CGL as domestic terrorism, or the violent protesters as domestic terrorists.”

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“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of snivelling brats.”

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“…when Christian leaders refuse to speak up about the things that matter, then God may very well raise up secular stones to get the job done.”

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