The Hatred of “Whiteness” Is a Hatred of Christianity
“It’s an evil ideology that turns the idea of God-blessed obedience on its head. It says Western prosperity is not the fruit of righteousness, but the result of sin.”
Believe, Go to Church, Get Married
“When was the last time, in this debate about men and violence, did you hear someone in our current leadership invite us ‘To reflect on the charity and hope that is embedded in our society based on the faith of the Christians’?”
‘The Gospel According to Marx’: The Tragic History of the Catholic Church in Brazil
“…the interest that extremists have in infiltrating the Catholic Church is not so difficult to explain. No revolutionary undertaking can be successful in a deeply religious society like Brazil without the support of the powerful Catholic clergy.”
The Far-Left Takeover of Daycare: “Working in Childcare Is a Political Act”
“In other words, working in childcare is not about educating kids, it’s about indoctrinating them, and denouncing colleagues who say otherwise!”
Man-Made Global Famine: “You Will Own Nothing, and You Will Be Starving!”
“Control the food supply and you control the people but control the money supply and you control the whole world. Of course, controlling the money supply also directly affects the food supply. We may very soon experience a reality of apocalyptic proportions.”
In the Name of Welfare, We Have Been Creating a Power State
“The welfare state is the oldest con game in the world. First, you take people’s money away quietly and then you give some of it back to them flamboyantly.”
Threatening to Kill Yourself if People Won’t Change Can Be Abuse
“If ‘Trans Lives Matter,’ and they do, then is it fair for politicians, media heads, and activists to misdiagnose the problem of self-harm and suicide by continually pinning it on their Bible-believing grandmother and her local church? Is it not rather exploitative to accuse Christians of ‘murdering trans kids’ in an effort to pass legislation that would pressure believers to abandon their convictions?”
Greens MP Shares Platform With Marxists at Anti-Christian Protest
“Apparently, the sight of Christian men praying in public is so disturbing to some that they see it as a threat to their existence.”
Idris Elba Accused of ‘Helping Racism’ After Ditching Identity Politics
“I don’t want to be the first Black. I’m the first Idris.”
“Cancelling” Student Debt Is Not a Good Idea
“There are no such things as government subsidies. Governments do not pay for a single thing. The taxpayer does. So when a student can write off his education loan, the government is not subsidising it – the taxpayer is being stuck with the bill.”
Justice Thomas and the Political Weaponization of the 14th Amendment
“Justice Thomas addresses the question of other Supreme Court decisions which used the Due Process Clause to federally legislate on other issues, in particular, federal rulings regarding contraception and gay marriage. Any previous decision, such as these, and which functions now as a precedent for a ‘substantive due process’ decision, should be reconsidered.”
No, We Cannot Agree to Disagree When It Comes to Abortion
“There is no way around this one, folks. From conception onward, aborting a baby is one of the pinnacles of moral evil.”
Covid and the Crushing Use of Coercive Control
“At the highest end, perpetrators micromanage the lives of their victims, prevent them from seeing friends and family, track their movements and force them to obey a unique set of rules.”
Why Only White People Can Be Racist
“The progressives quite fittingly have dusted off the original usage of the word racism and applied it to western peoples today to suppress their desire to defend their nationalities.”
No Time to Die: A Review and a Lesson for Our Day
“We tell each other lies about the fight for free will and independence, but we don’t really want that. We want to be told how to live. And then die when we are not looking.”
Selected Comments From the Church and Covid Vaccination Survey
“Both my wife and I are in education and will lose our jobs. I can’t even bring this up at church because the expectation is that we follow the government orders. There is no empathy or understanding as to why we wouldn’t ‘just get the jab’.”
“We Are Being Lied To and It Is Far From Being a ‘Conspiracy Theory'”
The professionals I spoke with today assure me that we, as a nation are being railroaded, we are being lied to and it is far from being a “conspiracy theory”. As a nation, we are facing some very serious issues and time will expose them all.
Lockdowns Are Causing An “International Epidemic in Child Suicide”
“Doctors elsewhere report similar surges, with children — some as young as 8 — deliberately running into traffic, overdosing on pills and otherwise self-harming.”
The War on Terror Is Coming Home and Ordinary Americans Are Being Pushed Into Its Line of Fire
Biden’s administration is adding the Intersectional handbook for Critical Race Theory to how it fights the “war on terror.”
There Were Empires That Were Based On Slavery, But They Were Not European Colonial Powers
“To say that the West only got as powerful as it did because of slavery, is also wrong, because other empires were engaged in slavery, many to a much higher level and yet the West outstripped them.”