817 search results for "COvid"

“What does it say about the state of free speech when a Western nation arrests the founder of one of the few platforms that refuses to bow to government censorship?”

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“The Democrats have become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big Pharma, big tech, and big money…”

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“There have been deliberate attempts made to undermine the gospel and the churches and to see them replaced with fake gospels and fake churches. And this even involves some well-known evangelicals.”

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A Review of ‘The Total State: How Liberal Democracies Become Tyrannies,’ by Auron Macintyre.

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“I was tricked… The people that have been promoting this should go to prison,” Musk said.

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“The Republicans are fully united behind Trump. The Democrats are fully united behind Biden – but united in wanting to get rid of him!”

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“The controversial video exposes China’s waterbag abortions.”

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“We need to stop justifying what happened…”

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“He said he feared I might refuse another order again under similar circumstances…”

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“If you didn’t know the history, you’d think obviously Japan won the war… and England lost it.”

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“We continue to look back at the COVID years in disbelief and heartbreak.”

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“Jereth had never received a single complaint from any of his thousands of patients he had treated during his career. Yet, the Medical Board pursued selective complaints about Jereth’s social media posts discussing his personal beliefs on religious and political matters like abortion, marriage, Covid lockdowns and transgender ideology.”

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“If church leaders could deny the unvaccinated care for their eternal souls, then why wouldn’t the health system also deny the unvaccinated care for their earthly bodies?”

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“We’re not here as wreckers. We’re here as builders.”

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“New South Wales Police fined 3,628 children from 2020 to 2022 for COVID-related ‘offences.’”

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“Apparently, parents simply cannot be trusted to do what’s best for their own children. But never fear, incompetent parents, the government is here to lay down some new house rules for your unruly teens.”

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“As we saw during the pandemic, too many bishops were not leaders at all. They were motivated by fear, fear of being sued, fear of being removed, fear of being disliked.”

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“We’re restoring sanity in our approach to energy and rejecting the agenda of the radical green zealots.”

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“The only way the authorities can prevent children from accessing social media is by requiring adults to submit some form of personal identification as proof of eligibility.”

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“They were quick to condemn when they thought they were in the right, but they are reluctant to repent when it’s proven that they were wrong. This is not the Christian way.”

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