817 search results for "COvid"

The University of South Australia and the Canadian drone manufacturer Draganfly are teaming up to develop a pandemic drone that could be used to monitor people’s health and track down individuals displaying COVID-19 symptoms. According to the ABC, the device uses thermal cameras and artificial intelligence to measure some of the indicators of coronavirus in groups of people, including heart rate, body temperature, coughing and sneezing. Professor Javaan Chahl of UniSA told the ABC’s 7.30, the drone would be able to detect a cough from 15-20 metres away, while heart rate can be detected within 6-8 metres with only a…

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JUST YESTERDAY a university degree in gender studies was valuable. Today a job at the supermarket is valuable. Yesterday a share portfolio was prized. Today a stash of toilet paper, hidden away in a bathroom cupboard, is prized. Yesterday all a woman wanted was Chanel. Today all a woman wants is hand sanitizer. Yesterday we dreamed of taking a holiday in Italy. Today we just hope the Government will let us out of our homes. Yesterday we dreamed of being CEO of a major corporation so as to dominate the business world. Today we dream of hosting a Zoom meeting…

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I took some serious heat recently, after raising questions about the usefulness, function, role and consequences of using the Australian Government’s recent COVIDSafe app. I outlined two areas of concern, then was forced to address a third. My primary point was about precedent. The second concerned emotional manipulation; peer pressure, and the third, data security. Objections to this included asinine responses such as “it’s un-Christian not too”, that I wasn’t’ “loving my neighbour” and that “people will die if I don’t” sign up for the app. The more astute arguments included “Romans 13 and how it commands us to submit…

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THE Covid-19 epidemic has completely changed the world, including the way we speak. Words that only yesterday meant one thing now denote something entirely different. This helpful Lexicon will give you the vocabulary to successfully navigate your way through the crisis. Airline: A company that owns lots of planes that don’t fly anywhere. Celebrity: A multi-millionaire who sits in a mansion telling you not to complain about being stuck at home with no job. Climate Change: A term you might vaguely remember from a distant past. Covid-19: A virus charged with doing to Trump what neither CNN, the Democrats, nor…

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The world is “on the brink” of a hunger pandemic which could see more people die from the economic impact of COVID-19 than from the virus itself the U.N. Security Council was warned on Tuesday. “We are not only facing a global health pandemic but also a global humanitarian catastrophe,” David Beasley, director of the United Nations World Food Program said. “Millions of civilians living in conflict-scarred nations, including many women and children, face being pushed to the brink of starvation, with the spectre of famine a very real and dangerous possibility.” Beasley went on to say, due to the…

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Health officials in Illinois have admitted that “COVID deaths” are being recorded even if the deceased clearly died of other causes. During a health briefing on Sunday, Dr Ngozi Ezike, director of Illinois Department of Public Health, said if the deceased had COVID-19 at the time of passing, it will be counted as a “COVID death,” regardless of the actual cause of death. “If you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live, and then you also were found to have COVID, that would be counted as a COVID death,” Dr Ezike said. “It means…

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COVID-19 has been deemed a “pandemic” by the deeply discredited World Health Organization (WHO). In the name of fighting this alleged “pandemic”, measures have been taken by the Australian government that have significant repercussions on freedom of expression, privacy, association, and other fundamental freedoms, both now and potentially for an unlimited period of time. Due to government action, countless people in Australia are already enduring deeply stressful and traumatic events, including job loss, the destitution of money, marriage breakdown, parental alienation, and inadequate supplies of food and other essentials. Government agencies are also acquiring extraordinary powers to monitor people and…

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A conversation captured on a hot mic prior to the White House press briefing on Monday has gone viral on social media overnight. The footage reportedly shows Fox News’ John Roberts and New York Times photographer Doug Mills discussing the coronavirus pandemic and suggesting the mortality rate is about a tenth of what it seems to be. “What do you know, buddy?” Mills asks Roberts. “You can take off your mask,” Roberts replied. “The case mortality rate is like 0.1 to 0.3. That’s according to the USC.” Mediaite, who was first to report on the video, notes that Roberts was…

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In breaking news, The Daily Wire is reporting that President Trump is halting America’s funding to the World Health Organisation (WHO). The U.S. President is reported as saying: Today I’m instructing my administration to halt funding of the World Health Organization while a review is conducted to assess the World Health Organization’s role in severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the Coronavirus. Everybody knows what’s going on there,” Trump said. “American taxpayers provided between $400 million and $500 million per year to the W.H.O. In contrast, China contributes $40 million a year and even less as the organization’s…

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Residents in Louisville, Kentucky who refuse to stay home after being exposed to coronavirus are being fitted with GPS tracking bracelets and threatened with criminal charges. The Louisville Courier Journal reports judges are placing people under house arrest and ordering them to wear tracking devices after health officials learned a number of patients had refused to self-isolate for the period advised. In one case, three residents of a single household were placed under house arrest for a week after one of the inhabitants tested positive to COVID-19. After refusing to comply with the order, the city placed ankle monitors on them…

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If COVID-19 has taught us anything it’s that the Chinese government cannot be trusted. Please note that I said communist regime and not people. My statement is not motivated by some kind of latent anti-Asian racism. Instead, my aim is directly targeted against the Chinese Communist Party who must accept at least part of the blame and responsibility for the current global pandemic. Back in 2007 a report in the Clinical Microbiology Review concluded (emphasis mine) that: The presence of a large reservoir of SARS-CoV like viruses in horseshoe bats, together with the culture of eating exotic mammals in southern…

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Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a “temporary form of global government” to combat coronavirus and its impact around the world. According to The Guardian, the former Labor Prime Minister said, the global organisation should have executive powers to coordinate the response to tackle the medical and economic crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. “This is not something that can be dealt with in one country,” he said. “There has to be a coordinated global response.” Brown went on to say, “This is first and foremost a medical emergency and there has to be…

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A New South Wales Green Senator has been ridiculed around the world after claiming COVID-19 is a “gendered crisis” because of the “disproportionate risk” it poses to women. Mehreen Faruqi, Australia’s first Muslim senator, made the comments yesterday, despite reports that coronavirus mortality rate is twice as high among men as it is among women. “Let us not forget that COVID-19 is a gendered crisis,” Faruqi said. “Nurses, teachers, child care workers, and early childhood educators, aged care workers and cleaners are mostly women. They are on the frontline of this public health crisis and carry a disproportionate risk of…

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Pope Francis has said the coronavirus is nature’s response to humans damaging the environment. Speaking with a Spanish journalist on Sunday, Pope Francis said: “There’s a saying you know, God always forgives. We forgive sometimes. [But] nature never forgives. “Fires, earthquakes, that is nature having a fit. So that we will take care of nature.”  On the same day that the pope made his remarks, Oprah Winfrey shared an interview with actor Idris Elba essentially suggesting the same thing. In the short video posted to Twitter, Elba likened humanity to an “infection” the world is trying to “get rid…

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Actor Idris Elba has told Oprah Winfrey that COVIC-19 is the earth’s response to humans damaging the environment. In a short interview posted on Oprah’s Twitter account today, Elba likened humanity to an “infection”, saying he’s not surprised the world would respond by trying to “get rid of” us, “as any organism would do.” “Our world has been taking a kicking,” he said. “You know, we’ve damaged our world and, you know, it’s no surprise that our world is reacting… It’s no surprise that a virus has been created that is going to slow us down and ultimately make us…

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In all the media turmoil surrounding COVID-19, you may have missed the passing of Dr. Catherine Hamlin, aged ninety-six. Dr. Hamlin’s gynaecological work in treating Ethiopian women suffering from obstetric fistula was so remarkable that even The Sydney Morning Herald referred to her as “the saint of Addis Ababa”. Julie White, Chair of Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation said: “Catherine has lived an incredible life having made an enormous difference to the lives and health of thousands upon thousands of women in Ethiopia. Her passionate commitment to women and maternal health through her trust and belief in fulfilling God’s work with…

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Tommy Robinson has confronted a group of thugs “purposefully” coughing on and spitting at an elderly couple in the UK. Robinson and his family were in their vehicle when he spotted the three youths abusing the older man and woman who were on their way to buy groceries. According to the elderly male victim, the couple were walking down the street towards the store when the youths “purposely coughed” at them. The man said he called out to the three men, saying, “You can’t do that. That’s just not on.” A female witness at the scene said the attackers were…

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“The fight for freedom of speech isn’t even close to being won, it’s only just beginning.”

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“If the scientific community isn’t watching Dr. Jereth Kok’s case closely, it should be.”

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“While these sorts claim to be championing justice, they’re doing nothing more than eroding the very foundations of it.”

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