189 search results for "all white people are racist"

“I don’t want to be the first Black. I’m the first Idris.”

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“There are many good reasons why Australians should be very cautious about changing the Constitution in this regard. In the name of combating racism, it seems we will instead just be enshrining racism.”

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“God has brought the mission field to us.”

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“I found out today that my beautiful library will not have its Christmas tree this year. Zero explanation. When I asked, I was told, ‘People were made uncomfortable last year looking at it.'”

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Detroit’s school board has cancelled acclaimed neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson, based upon claims “his name was synonymous with having Trump in blackface.”

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“If they are so keen on showing some compassion, why don’t they actually do it instead of just talking about it?”

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“The arguments for retaining slavery and abortion have more in common with each other than most people think.”

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“The Uluru Statement from the Heart (TUSH) will not unite Australians but only divide us. It will not address the many real needs that indigenous peoples face on a day-to-day basis, and as such, it should be firmly rejected as a way forward. And that’s because it’s an attempt to undermine decision-making and due process in a western democracy that already affords aboriginal political representation.”

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“Dungy is a dedicated father and an outspoken Christian who is well-informed enough to know that the political obsession with ‘racism’ in the United States is blinding people to the bigger issue of fatherlessness in black American homes.”

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“With the added cancellation of projects from Kendi, and Markle, Netflix appears to have heeded the ‘go woke, go broke’ axiom.”

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“They think doxxing me is going to intimidate me into silence. I can assure you, that’s never going to happen.”

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“Like all things woke, the virtue signalling gloss of the feelings-based morality ignores its own oppressors.”

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“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of snivelling brats.”

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“Once the state has the authority to force you, against your will and without your consent…or, in the case of the current set of vaccines, without even informed consent…to undergo treatment for a disease you do not have, you have ceased to have any autonomy.”

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“This is a huge slap in the face to the Democrats and their far-left lunacy.”

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For all the vitriolic claims about “anti-vaxxer and climate change deniers” all being nut-cases and conspiracy theorists, Hamilton is guilty of his own tin-foil hat nonsense.

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The law demands that “every publicly held corporation in California must achieve diversity on its board of directors.”

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Biden’s administration is adding the Intersectional handbook for Critical Race Theory to how it fights the “war on terror.”

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Carlson pointed out that while the NSA has publicly denied having any surveillance on him, they’ve refused to deny, or rule out whether “the Biden administration had read his personal emails.”

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The creators said they hope to normalize abortion for young children by donating 300 copies of the book to the children’s section of libraries across the US.

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