1333 search results for "Trans"

Foster care support organisation, My Forever Family, has launched a new campaign to encourage homosexuals to ‘grow their pride’ by becoming foster carers. The group, which is operated by a Government funded organisation known as Adopt Change, was launched in July 2018 with a focus on engaging potential foster carers and offering support for a range of existing carers. The new ‘LGBTQ recruitment’ campaign, ‘Grow Your Pride’, coincided with the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Fair Day. My Forever Family took up a stall at the event last Sunday, which they encouraged families to attend. “My Forever Family is going to be at Fair…

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In May 2013 Dr Kermit Gosnell from Pennsylvania was found guilty of three counts of first degree murder of three children intended for abortion but born alive and then murdered, and one count of involuntary manslaughter for failing to properly look after a woman who had gone through an abortion. Even some hardened pro-abortion people admitted that the whole business was grisly in the extreme. Apparently one of the aborted children was so big that Gosnell quipped that he could ‘walk me to the bus stop’. Photos were shown to the jury which depicted babies with wounds in the back…

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People smugglers are preparing for business again, with a former smuggler saying he’s been asked by his employers to return to Indonesia and begin gathering passengers willing to travel to Australia illegally by boat. It comes after Labor and the Greens passed new laws making it easier for doctors to order medical evacuations of illegals held in offshore processing facilities. Since passing the new medivac legislation last week, up to 300 refugees and asylum-seekers on Manus Island and Nauru have obtained recommendations from doctors to enable them to transfer to Australia. Peter Dutton, Minister for Home Affairs, said: “The Bill…

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Life Site News: Feminist writer Meghan Murphy has filed a lawsuit against Twitter because she was banned by the social media giant after she criticized so-called transgender people. A Canadian, Murphy frequently writes on gender politics and is the founder of Feminist Current, an influential feminist website. In 2017, she spoke before the Senate of Canada and described her reasons for opposing transgender ideology. On Facebook and YouTube, she explained the reasons for the lawsuit. Murphy wrote that Twitter “allows porn, as well as accounts that enable sex trafficking, on their platform, but ban women who speak the truth about material reality…

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Australian Labor and the Greens, together with crossbench MPs have passed new laws making it easier for Leftist doctors to order medical evacuations of illegal immigrants held in offshore processing facilities. Prime Minister Scott Morrison slammed the move in a press conference, calling it “proof positive that Bill Shorten and the Labor Party do not have the mettle, do not have what is required and do not understand what is necessary to ensure that Australia’s border protection framework and broader national security interests can be managed by the Labor Party.” Our border protection framework works. We stopped the boats, stopped…

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News that an all new, all-girl, [Boy] Scout group celebrated its first meeting in Wooster, Ohio, has met with justifiable criticism online. The news comes almost a year after the Boy Scouts organization, under pressure from activists, dropped the gender-specific prefix, allowing girls to join. Popular, meme-heavy, Facebook page, Ron Paul’s Bat noted: So you fought to become part of the Boy Scouts, just so you could start you own girl only troop and do things separate from boys? That sounds like girl scouts with extra steps. Comments on Twitter are making the same observations: “Congratulations you’ve made it all…

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Several weeks ago, several second-hand books were being given away at my church. After cursorily browsing them, I disinterestedly selected Postmodern Times by Gene Veith, Jr. Usually, a book like that could easily sit on my pile for a year before being touched, but as it happens I decided to at least read the introduction when I arrived at home. It turned out that this would be the second non-fiction book I have read in my life that I would have difficulty putting down (The other is God’s Undertaker by John Lennox). It was outstanding. What first struck me about…

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Daniel Andrews, the Premier of Victoria, has announced ‘conversion therapy’ will be against the law in the state of Victoria. In a post on Facebook, Andrews announced: “Gay, bi and trans people don’t need to be ‘cured’ – because there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them. And if you think otherwise, maybe there’s something wrong with you. “‘Conversion therapy’ destroys lives,” he went on to say. “It creates shame and stigma. And soon, it will be against the law in Victoria. This is an Australian first. And it’s the right thing to do. Because bigoted quackery has no place in this…

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There is a strong element of disguise and deception in the spiritual battles that we face. In Paul’s day there were false apostles who disguised themselves as apostles of Christ, following Satan who does great evil while appearing to be an angel of light (see 2 Cor.11:13-15). The covenant people of God are thus warned against slogans that appear to be spiritual truths but which turn out to be false or at least misleading in some way. In the dark days of the Babylonian exile, a proverb was repeated: ‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children’s teeth are…

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Ben Shapiro from The Daily Wire has warned, the Left want to take down Christian schools, and the mainstream media are leading the charge. “Prepare yourself,” Shapiro told his viewers. “If Trump loses in 2020, if Democrats take back the senate, there will be a push against religious people in this country worse than anything we have seen in the last several decades. It will be brutal.” Shapiro continued: “It will be an attempt to get rid of accreditation for religious schools. It will be an attempt to take away non-profit status for churches and synagogues. It will be an…

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‘Coming Out’ – we’re told it’s one of the bravest things a person can do. It’s personal and different for everyone, and not everyone ‘comes out’ the same way. Some people ‘come out’ to everybody in their lives, others only ‘come out’ to a few. Still, ‘coming out’ requires a great deal of bravery. Why is that? Because ‘coming out’ has risks. When a person ‘comes out’ they could risk losing emotional or financial support from their family. ‘Coming out’ could put a person at risk of physical danger and violence. Sometimes family won’t understand. They will try to pressure…

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Police in Scotland have investigated their own actions and conveniently found themselves to be innocent of committing a “hate crime” against Christians. The Barnabas Fund filed the complaint to the department after Police Scotland set up anti-Christian posters around their communities. The ‘Letters from Scotland’ campaign was established to tackle “hate crime” in Scotland and included letters targeting religious bigots, transphobes, and homophobes. Police also urged citisens to report any “religious hate” they see or hear. One of the posters read: “Dear BIGOTS, you can’t spread your religious hate here. End of sermon. Hate crime. Report it to stop it.” At…

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A former police officer in the UK has had his thoughts “checked” by police claiming to represent the LGBTQ community. Humberside Police tracked Harry Miller to his place of work, after acquiring 30 tweets, including a number of limericks that he had “Liked” from his personal account. According to the officer, Miller had not committed a crime by “Liking” the tweets, but the event was still to be recorded as a “hate incident.” After being subject to a 30-minute police inquiry, Miller was warned to watch his words or risk losing his job, as potential LGBTQ employees would not have…

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If you’re not really into Information Technology and are not aware of what the Golden Shield project is, you’re forgiven. The majority of Chinese people either don’t care or aren’t aware of its existence either. The Golden Shield Project is Communist China’s massive firewall. It’s designed to keep a lid on dissent and ward off foreign influence on Chairman Mao’s, carefully constructed Communist culture, which was largely forced on the Chinese people during the Marxist/Maoist Cultural Revolution. Some basic history: ‘The Golden Shield project has been in development since the 1990s’. According to a Tom McDonald field study published by…

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In July 2017 the publicly funded National Health Service (NHS) in England released a 24 page booklet specifically for transgender and non-binary people. The purpose of the booklet was to provide information regarding available screening programs and further explain who is invited to take part in the publicly funded tests. These tests include, breast screenings, cervical screenings, aortic aneurysm screenings, and bowel screenings. When it comes to breast screenings, both men and women are offered the procedures. Regardless of surgeries or the removal of breasts, breast tissue can still be present, so there is a need for these tests to be completed. However,…

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The American Psychological Association has warned mental health professionals to consider “traditional masculinity” as psychologically harmful. According to researchers, “stoicism, competitiveness, dominance, and aggression — is, on the whole, harmful” to both boys and men. APA’s new Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Boys and Men strive to recognize and address these problems in boys and men while remaining sensitive to the field’s androcentric past. Thirteen years in the making, they draw on more than 40 years of research showing that traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful and that socializing boys to suppress their emotions causes damage that echoes both inwardly and outwardly. According…

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I don’t think they were expecting that! The official Facebook page of 9 News Gold Coast created a poll today, asking their followers if they want Senator Fraser Anning “ousted from parliament.” “Senator Fraser Anning has charged taxpayers for travel to-and-from three far-right protests,” the Facebook post reads. “Do you want to see Fraser Anning ousted from parliament?” In the first four hours the poll gathered more than 47k responses, with over 38k participants voting NO. That’s over 80% of the voters. “I wonder if Channel 9 will report this tonight?” Senator Fraser Anning said on Twitter. “At the time of writing,…

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In 2010 Steve Tourloukis, a Canadian father of two, requested prior notification when his children, aged four and six, were to be taught about homosexuality, LGBTIQ issues and abortion in the classroom. The school denied Toutloukis’ request suggesting it was mandatory that his children be educated, or reeducated, on these issues. What followed was a seven year battle with the public school board, the Elementary Teacher’s Union, and lesbian, Premier Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal government. According to Life Site News, “Tourloukis made it clear in his 2012 legal challenge he did not object to his children being taught facts, or to…

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Wake up and smell the hypocrisy, with This Morning hosts Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby. Take a moment to compare the two exchanges below. In the first video, Schofield and Willoughby mock Christians for believing people can’t change their biological genders, branding their view “utterly abhorrent” and “medieval.” Schofield: “You said, ‘The issue lies with the fact that recognising gender fluidity conflicts sharply with your religious beliefs. It’s not unreasonable to call someone a girl if they are born a girl.’ And that in itself could lead you straight back into the fire because that is not the way now that we are led to…

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Pro-abortionists have spent a great deal of time and energy ensuring the language used when referencing abortion veils the real horrors of the practice. Euphemisms are employed to dehumanize the unborn and to make the procedure seem more like a health issue than the killing of a human life. The pro-choice movement presents itself as a champion of women’s rights, while any opposition is dismissed as anti-women, backward, and oppressive. We who value life need to make sure we’re not adopting the doublespeak and euphemistic language of those who want to redefine human life and what constitutes as murder in…

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