1333 search results for "Trans"

Two years ago, Cambridge barrister Paul Dimond offered a blunt, near-prophetic warning that Christians will be targeted if marriage laws were to change in Australia. “It’s perfectly possible to create a society of same-sex rights and privacy rights for homosexuals and freedom of religion rights for Christians,” Diamond said. “In fact, that would be a truly diverse and free society. That is not the experience in the United Kingdom. “You do lose your job, you will suffer educational detriment, you will be vilified, for doing no more than reading a Bible verse expressing traditional views. And it’s so abusive in…

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“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” George R.R. Martin The revolution that open media platforms Twitter, Facebook, Google and YouTube created in the mid-2000s is undeniable. The new technology allowed for breakthrough abilities in communication and free speech the likes of which the world had never seen before. The tycoon platforms would maintain their decentralised system for a little over ten years. Until 2016, where a mixture of too much power, left-wing boardrooms and the 45th President of the United…

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In 2016, Donald Trump took up his first ever job for no money. His newest occupation of President of the United States would see him become the first ever leader to do it for free, opting to not take the US$400,000 annual salary. Since working in the oval office, Trump has reached several milestones that not many pundits saw coming. Unemployment currently sits at 3.7% which is the lowest in almost 50 years, with female unemployment reaching its lowest rate in 65 years. African-American unemployment fell to a record low of 5.9%, with record lows for the Asian and Hispanic-American…

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Israel Folau has found himself in hot water again after the rugby star shared a graphic on Instagram paraphrasing a portion of the New Testament. The image, which has received over 11k likes since it was published yesterday, states: “WARNING: Drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists, idolaters, Hell awaits you. Repent! Only Jesus saves.” “Those that are living in sin will end up in Hell unless you repent,” Folau added in the caption. “Jesus Christ loves you and is giving you time to turn away from your sin and come to him.” The post ends with citations from Galatians…

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Dr James White, the founder of Alpha and Omega Ministries, gave a powerful address in the Phoenix City Council Chambers last week, pleading with the city to avoid the infamy and cowardice of Weimar, the German city which did nothing to stop the horrors of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Dr White noted that when General Patton first toured the camp, what he saw was so horrific that he commanded the mayor, magistrates, and leading citizens of Weimar be forced to tour the camp to see what had been done right under their eyes for many years. History has not looked…

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Public education and a national curriculum are failing our kids. This propaganda was emailed to parents from my local high school this week: YEAR 12 MODERN HISTORY – STUDIES OF CHANGE – FIRST WOMEN’S MOVEMENT IN GREAT BRITAIN Our Year 12 Modern History class has been studying First Wave Feminism in Britain for Term 1. They are investigating the origins of the movement, the status of women up to the 19th century, the emergence of the suffrage movement, and notable suffragettes and the way in which Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) leader, Emmeline Pankhurst, and suffragettes carried out peaceful protests,…

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Anzac Day comes with a caveat. Absent of any understanding about what causes war and the case for just-peace. Absent of the moral restraints of the message about Christ’s act and command to love God and love one another as we love and care for ourselves, Anzac day becomes a celebration of chaos, not life; a day of hero-worship, not sincere remembrance and gratitude. We surely remember the sacrifice of our ancestors, but with it we remember God’s summons to hear the importance of His commandments that empower us to stand against the continuing brutality of war. It’s because God…

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What did the Blasey Ford/Kavanaugh charade in September 2018 show us? Opposition to a highly esteemed judge on ideological grounds warrants slander of the highest order to prevent him or anyone like him from being an influential law keeper. Like taking sides in a boxing ring, this issue polarised Americans: On the right, there is rule of law; on the left, there is mob rule. Clutching onto someone’s trauma, the left virtue signals token hashtags such as #IBelieveHer and #MeToo as munition for their own political agenda. The left does not care any more about victims of sexual assault than…

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Have you ever stopped to consider why so many people believe the Bible to be true?

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United Airlines is the first off the ground company to affirm the transgender ideology by introducing non-binary gender booking options. United’s Chief Customer Officer Toby Enqvist said, “United is determined to lead the industry in LGBT inclusivity, and we are so proud to be the first U.S. airline to offer these inclusive booking options for our customers.” The airline announced last week non-binary gender options will be available for all bookings, check-ins, through all customer reward programs, and company memberships. Every customer now has the option to identify as male (M), female (F), undisclosed (U) or unspecified (X) on their…

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A senior Chinese official who oversees state-sanctioned churches has vowed to purge Christianity in China of any Western “imprint”, calling for further “sinicisation” of the religion. Xu Xiaohong, chairman of the National Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM), attacked the “Western influence” on Christianity saying, “[We] must recognise that Chinese churches are surnamed ‘China’, not ‘the West.’” “The actions by anti-China forces that attempt to affect our social stability or even subvert the regime of our country are doomed to fail,” Xu told delegates to the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference at the Great Hall of the People in…

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A protester who filmed himself egging Senator Fraser Anning at an event in Melbourne today will likely be spending the rest of the afternoon icing a black eye. The incident, uploaded on social media by The Unshackled, shows the man slapping an egg with considerable force on the back of the Senator’s head. The Senator then turned and swiftly hit the man in the face, before bystanders tackled him to the ground. He was held there until police eventually led him away. Senator Fraser Anning has just been egged while speaking to the media in Melbourne. The young man who…

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While most of us are fans of ‘The Hobbit‘ and ‘Lord of the Rings‘ novels, some of us probably aren’t as up to date on the rest of J.R.R.Tolkien’s work and thought. The majority would know that he was friends with C.S. Lewis, and was part of the Inklings. An Oxford circle of writers, who would meet on an informal basis in order to compare and critique each others’ writing. The group informally (and unconventionally) included the straight-talking, Dorothy Sayers, and is said to have centred around the groups’ shared Christian faith and Christian values. Though Sayers apparently never attended the Inking…

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As we are heading for two elections in the coming months, it may be a very good time to reflect on who we truly are. If we recall the prayer of Jesus for His disciples in John 17:16 – “They are not of the world, even as I am not of it”. This should serve us all as a timely reminder that we are but visitors here and yet we are called to be His witness for as long as we are here. Paul also speaks to how we are to live here in Romans 13:1 when he writes: “Let…

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Women will secure access to ‘free’ surgical abortions in public hospitals if Labor is elected at the next election. Deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek is set to announce a major overhaul of Medicare which will also require public hospitals to consistently offer abortion services as part of their funding agreement. Last year Plibersek lamented the fact that presently Australian women cannot kill their unborn babies with equal convenience. “Every Australian should have access to the health services they need,” she said. “Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures that Australian women will experience in their lives.” But due…

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Google has introduced a new “LGBTQ-friendly” business attribute to encourage customers to “find the people and places that celebrate” the LGBTQ lifestyle. The tech giant is also urging businesses to “be an ally” by publicly listing themselves under the rainbow flag as “LGBTQ-friendly” and “safe spaces” for transgender people. More bizarre than that, Google went on to claim that LGBTQ+ people have had difficulty finding businesses willing to serve them in Australia. “While marriage equality has been legal in Australia for over a year, finding businesses that are open to everyone hasn’t always been easy for members of the LGBTQ+…

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Netflix is promoting their latest original series, Sex Education. The sexually explicit program tells the story of a teenage boy and his high school classmates teaming up to create an underground sex therapy clinic at school. And what better way is there to promote a series about minors having sex than by getting a group of primary school teachers to sit down and laugh about it. “We showed some primary teachers Sex Education” the official Australian Netflix Facebook page said. “It went exactly as expected.” WATCH (Warning: Sexual Content):

The elderly Christian street preacher who was arrested for allegedly ‘disturbing the peace’ with his Christian message has said police took him to an unfamiliar location and left him there without means of getting home. According to Christian Concern, “Our legal team have now spoken to street preacher Olu who was arrested at Southgate tube station on Saturday. After being unnecessarily arrested, he was dropped off in an unfamiliar suburb without enough money to get home.” Metropolitan Police reportedly told Premier that an arrest was made “to prevent a breach of the peace.” “The man was then de-arrested and no…

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In an age of shallow thinking, it has become all too easy to pass something off as a value – when virtue is what is meant – and sweep the population along in a certain way of thinking – or non-thinking. An example of this is ‘change’. It is like the word ‘diversity’ and is almost invariably associated with whatever is good or progressive. To say that something has not changed for some time is a sure way of damning it. Like diversity, change goes both ways; it is not a synonym for ‘improvement’. When we look at old photographs…

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A number of football clubs in the UK are now requiring players to wear the LGBTQ flag as part of their official uniform. The wardrobe update coincides with the Football v Homophobia campaign, which is designed to “challenge discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression at all levels in football.” Ian Senior, the designer of the rainbow uniform said, “The response we have had really has been amazing. It beggars belief. We have sold between 400 and 500 shirts across the world in just over one week. It has made such a statement. It has sent out a…

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