
Labor and Greens weaken Australia’s border security. Refugees who plead ‘mental illness’ to be treated in Australia.

Australian Labor and the Greens, together with crossbench MPs have passed new laws making it easier for Leftist doctors to order medical evacuations of illegal immigrants held in offshore processing facilities. Prime Minister Scott Morrison slammed the move in a press conference, calling it “proof positive that Bill Shorten and the Labor Party do not…

Australian Labor and the Greens, together with crossbench MPs have passed new laws making it easier for Leftist doctors to order medical evacuations of illegal immigrants held in offshore processing facilities.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison slammed the move in a press conference, calling it “proof positive that Bill Shorten and the Labor Party do not have the mettle, do not have what is required and do not understand what is necessary to ensure that Australia’s border protection framework and broader national security interests can be managed by the Labor Party.”

Greens MP Adam Bandt praised the passing of the bill which puts “refugees first.” Refugees first? As opposed to what? Australian citizens?

In a post on Twitter Bandt said, “We did it!!! Refugee bill passed 75-74! By all working together and putting refugees first, we’ve just made a huge difference…”

Former Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts noted, “Australia has 65 health specialists on Nauru and has spent $11 million on a new medical clinic at the processing centre, $26.5 million [on] upgrades at the Nauru hospital and $2.7 million has been provided for a new surgical facility.

“Illegal immigrants on Nauru have better health access than rural Australians,” Roberts added.

Mark Latham, appearing on Sky News, said asylum seekers on Nauru would be mentally ill if they didn’t all now plead mental illness.

“Blind Freddy can see here, the doctors will just tick them off,” Latham said. “And any asylum seeker in Nauru who doesn’t plead mental illness is indeed nutty. It’s like catch-22, where if you don’t say you are mentally ill, you are mentally ill. They’ll all just go, ‘I’ve got it. I’ve got it.'”

“The doctors have been outed here as creatures of GetUp,” he added. “This is not independent medicos talking. It’s people who are left-wing political activists. This is a new mechanism, a bizarre, demented mechanism to allow people to get to Australia.

“The people-smugglers are rubbing their hands again, the evil trade could start up again and the inevitability of small children crying out at sea as they drown will yet again be on the conscience of people like Albanese, and Plibersek, and these imbeciles inside the Labor Party who never learn that this is not compassion. This is a new form of barbarism, that they’re going to repeat a second time. It’s unbelievable.”




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