817 search results for "COvid"

The aim, according to the state Premier, is to ensure only vaccinated people are allowed to interact with each other post-lockdown.

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“When was the last time in history police surrounded a Synagogue for holding ‘illegal services’ on Rosh Hashanah? Nazi Germany,” Avi Yemini said.

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“The church would be appalled at any sort of racial/ethnic prejudice or segregation, but now in some quarters, segregation that Christ has not established, is being lauded as a solution for a return to normalcy. If there is no Jew nor Greek in the church, why should the vaccinated and unvaccinated be segregated?”

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“The door that allows Government to get away with mandating medical procedures under threat of losing your livelihood, gives them the power to mandate the theft of your land, your house, your savings, your kids, and your property.”

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From mid-October, churches will be permitted to return to in-person worship on the prevision that they only host vaccinated-only services.

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“Up till this point, there has been ‘crickets’ from the church but following the publication of the ED suddenly key evangelical conservatives were mobilised – no, not in support, but to undercut this initiative of other Christians.”

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“In sum, it’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you do with what you’ve got, that counts.”

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Democracies seldom become totalitarian police states overnight. But they can and do become them incrementally – especially when the populace is unaware or unconcerned about the downward slippery slope they are on.

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“Yet every morning 30–40 people travel from across Greater Sydney to tightly congregate and listen to a daily sermon delivered from the pulpit of the 11am press conference. An activity banned for those of a religious faith but approved for the political class.”

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Internationally renowned COVID-19 expert, Jayanta Bhattacharya, Professor of Medicine at Stanford University in California has provided an independent expert report in support of the action brought forward by the plaintiffs.

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“The framing of this conflict in such terms neglects the fact that people who are fighting for a restoration of freedom aren’t just doing it for themselves but are doing it for all of society, including those who want to remain locked down.”

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“Power has gone to the heads of our elected leaders and unelected bureaucrats, who are exercising powers yet do not feel the consequences themselves.”

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“The value and worth of teachers has now been limited to whether they adhere to a forced medical procedure,” a teacher said.

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“After reading the Ezekiel Declaration I felt compelled to write and pledge our support to you, your faith community, and for your stance.”

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ACL is urging Australia to “stand against fear” and open up the country no later than once everyone who wants the jab is able to be vaccinated, and without coercion.

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If you wouldn’t support businesses demanding that those with HIV not enter their stores, don’t support “no shot, no shop”.

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The move has been slammed across social media, particularly by non-Australians, who have likened the facilities to concentration camps and gulags.

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To the Honourable Scott Morrison, As Christian leaders, you should be aware that in accordance with scripture we regularly pray for “and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Timothy 2:2). We do write, however, to you regarding a matter of significant concern.  Namely, the proposed introduction of ‘vaccine passports’ into Australian society.  For many Christian leaders and Christians, this is an untenable proposal that would inflict terrible consequences on our nation. We should initially note that we are not the first generation that has…

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“I was the minister that established ‘No Jab, No Play,’ so my view on this is pretty clear,” Morrison said.

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“We demand that our freedoms be restored and I demand that peaceful protesters patriotic freedom-loving men and women never ever be fired upon in this country ever again.”

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