Over 100 Dignitaries Sign Open Letter Condemning Brazil’s Illegal War on Free Speech
“The fight for freedom of speech isn’t even close to being won, it’s only just beginning.”
Moderators Turn Trump vs. Harris Debate Into the Commie-La Monologues
“Moderators fact-checked Trump, and fact-checked none of what Harris said, and she lied repeatedly.”
What Do Theonomists Actually Believe?
“The basic function of law is to restrain, not to regenerate, and when the function of law is changed from the restraint of evil to the regeneration and reformation of man and society, then law itself begins to break down, because an impossible burden is being placed upon it.”
It Will Be Real Bad News if Team Kamala Gets In
“They keep saying ‘On Day 1’ we will solve all your problems. Um, the Dems have been in the White House 12 of the last 16 years – including the last four. THEY are the problem…”
The RNC: Reflections and Highlights So Far
“The Republicans are fully united behind Trump. The Democrats are fully united behind Biden – but united in wanting to get rid of him!”
Christian Nationalism: Doug Wilson Answers Critics in Tucker Carlson Interview
“Christians invented the separation of church and state. That’s our doctrine. But, what people today mean about church and state, is a separation of God and state; morality and state.”
UK’s ‘Islamophobia Is Racism’ Backdoor Blasphemy Law Would Ban Criticism of Islam
“Adopting a formal definition of ‘Islamophobia’ is a back door to Islamic blasphemy laws, which prevent open criticism of Islam’s beliefs and practices.”
Trump’s Fourth Indictment Is Woke Bigotry Weaponizing Bankruptcy
“By all appearances, this new indictment is about crushing political opponents, not balancing the scales of justice.”
Californian Doctors’ Lawsuit Seeks to End Political Takeover of Medicine
“For a doctor to have their licence renewed, they must be Intersectionality approved.”
NSW Politicians Snub Parental Rights in Education Forum
“Their lack of response is cause for concern. Particularly considering the importance of the event and the issues discussed.”
Lost Leaders and the Death of Nations
“When we wage full-tilt war on the most important social institutions of all time – marriage and family – then are we much better than the barbarians?”
Moira Versus the Woke Goliath
The leftist Libs really are toast – long live Moira Deeming.
Trump Duet With J6 Prison Choir ‘Justice for All’ Hits No.1
“Profits from the song will go directly to helping families of those held for political reasons regarding January 6.”
‘Anti-Social CCP’ Directive Bans TikTok From All U.S. Government Tech
“By the very fact two versions of TikTok exist – one for Chinese audiences, another for the West – it’s clear the Chinese Communist Party know TikTok is toxic.”
Judeo-Christianity? Should This Term Be Used?
“It is notable that traditionally the West was referred to as Christendom, not Judeo-Christendom, or Islamo-Christendom.”
Thousands Sign Christian Petition Seeking Christmas Truce in Ukraine
“Further evidence suggesting the bipartisan Christian petition for a Christmas truce in Ukraine is doomed, comes from Zelensky himself, who, in his speech to the United States congress gave lip-service to peace, while ramping up rhetoric against an already belligerent Iran.”
Islam: A Scottish Perspective
“God has brought the mission field to us.”
Pro-abortion Extremists Protest in Perth
“The Australian media doesn’t really have a problem with promoting extremists, as long as they’re left-wing extremists of course.”
The Left Is in a Real Quandary Over Qatar
“The left’s hatred of the West includes at least two things: affirmation of Islam and affirmation of homosexuality. So what happens when a major sporting event is held in a Muslim-majority nation? Do they condemn Qatar for its very anti-gay stance, or do they condemn gays for not respecting Islamic culture and values?”
Protests in China as Communists Tighten “Zero COVID” Trademark
“Why is the American left so silent about what’s happening in China? Because they’re secretly jealous of the control the CCP has over its citizens. They don’t condemn it. They crave it.”