83 search results for "iran"

Manufacture a crisis, push the credibility of another manufactured crisis, then blame others for it.

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Polling prior to the March 13 Election in WA suggests that the incumbent Labor government will retain government, largely due to the single-beat media drumming for months on COVID-19 and overlooking other fundamental freedom issues.

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World Council of “Churches” (WCC) Commission moderator of International Affairs, Frank Chikane, equated Israel with demons in a recent online address.

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Behind every number is a person, a real person, being affected in real ways.

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Quality control at GQ, must be on COVID-19 Wuhan Virus sabbatical.

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Ronald Reagan had a unique distaste for career politicians sucking wealth out of D.C.’s tax-payer funded tenure. Most too often more in tune with self-service, than public service. He also had a keen dislike for the faulty, seized-up mechanical inner-workings of Washington.

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Mike Pence’s gentlemen’s applause for Kamala Harris’ selection as Joe Biden’s number two takes into account the fact that Harris would be the first female Vice-President, and potentially the first female President, in U.S. history.

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It seems like someone owes Cardinal Pell—and the Roman Catholic Church of Australia—an apology.

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Is it a coincidence that after rejecting God, then dismantling the kings, that the western nations are now losing their countries?

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With how irrelevant anti-conversion therapy laws are, the implication is that the LGBTQAAI+ religion is seeking to outlaw anyone from leaving the LGBT lifestyle.

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Bari Weiss’ resignation last week raised eyebrows, ruffled feathers, and furthered speculation about the existence of an internal war being waged between the traditional Left and radical Leftists within modern liberalism. This “civil war” isn’t new. What has been emerging from a series of high-profile defections and protests over the past decade, is evidence of an unstable hegemonic power purging itself of the rational in order to exalt the radical. Wiess’s protest exit adds to a growing list of intellectuals walking away from Leftism and its corrosive “convert, pay a tax or else” culture. The late Roger Scruton was exiled…

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Slavery has been a universal institution for thousands of years, as far back as you can trace human history. We’re looking as if slavery was something that happened to one race of people in one country, when in fact, the spread of it was around the world.

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We’ve been sold a bill of goods by global agencies and national and state governments, aided by a media ever salivating for sensation. We’ve been compliant little citizens, setting aside our cultural scepticism of authority and replacing our freedom and ability to think for ourselves with government “experts”. Social freedoms have been hard-won in world history through violent revolutions shaking off the shackles of tyranny. When our founding fathers surveyed the best political systems in the world they enshrined ideals which were strong enough to survive the ravages of global pandemics, wars and financial crises and upon which to build…

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The recent High Court decision which unanimously—seven to zero—upheld the appeal of Cardinal George Pell against the Victorian Court of Appeal’s decision to uphold the original trial verdict of child abuse, is to be welcomed. The High Court has held that the conviction did not meet the required standard of proof. However, this case is memorable for another reason. It highlights the problem that the current legal process involving child sexual abuse has itself a number of potential flaws. The flood of publicity and the pre-trial shaping of public opinion by the ABC and politicians made it more difficult for…

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Muslim Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar has suggested individuals who are disobedient to Allah should be flogged with 80 lashes. In a post on Twitter today, Omar cited al-Noor 24:4, a passage used by extremist groups such as ISIS to justify public lashings for rebellion against Islam. The Minnesota congresswoman’s tweet read: “And those who accuse chaste women, and produce not four witnesses, flog them with eighty stripes, and reject their testimony forever. They indeed are the Faasiquoon (liars, rebellious, disobedient to Allaah) [al-Noor 24:4]” Omar cited the passage in response to a Twitter user who implied the congresswoman was in…

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Ahmed Shaheed, lecturer and volunteer adviser to the U.N., is advocating that religions conform to an eventual universal, “progressive” law. In his latest report for the U.N, the religious freedom advocate provides an argument for a blueprint, which will outlaw any theological critique or practice, unless it has first been approved, or established by LGBTQAAI+ activists, radical feminists and academics who advocate from a Leftist worldview. Steve Warren from CBN news rightly noted that recent ‘Report of the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief’ (available as a Word Document here), makes no distinction between who and what religion…

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In an article sure to sort the sheep from the goats, Dr Michael L Brown (who is about to tour Australia & New Zealand as part of the Church And State Summit) has written a sober perspective on why Christian conscience compels him to vote for President Trump again. BROWN: President Trump’s State of the Union message, coupled with the Democratic response, reminds me of why I voted for Trump in 2016. And why I plan to vote for him again in 2020. The contrasts are just too extreme. I am conscience-bound to vote against the radical left and to vote for…

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Dr Michael L Brown offers incisive commentary on the pathological hatred of the American President. This article was first published on his website, AskDrBrown.org. Dr Brown will be touring New Zealand and Australia at the end of February as part of the not-to-be-missed Church And State Summit. Trump Takes Out a Terrorist: Good News or Bad? Dr Michael L Brown It’s not every day when major voices as disparate as Piers Morgan and Rush Limbaugh agree. But when it comes to Democratic (and, more widely, liberal) reaction to Trump’s killing of Iranian General Soleimani, Morgan and Limbaugh are singing the…

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CNN anchorwoman Erin Burnett has suggested the Iranians chanting “Death to America” are only using the phrase figuratively, and “couldn’t have been more friendly” to her during her time at an anti-American rally in Iran’s capital. In a recent segment on CNN, Ms Burnett explains: “Well, I will say, I was in Tehran when they were chanting “Death to America” once. I was at a rally. The people couldn’t have been more friendly to me personally as an American. Ms Burnett continued, “It sort of felt like a thing and a trope, as opposed to anything that was actually seriously…

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Aynaz Anni Cyrus was born and raised in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Before she reached 15-years of age, she’d endured hundreds of lashings and was imprisoned close to 14 times. Her crimes included wearing nail polish and singing too loudly in public. But that wasn’t the worst of what Aynaz suffered in her young life. Aynaz was also repeatedly raped by family members, police officers and prison guards until, at 13-years of age, her father decided to sell her off in marriage. He pocketed $50USD in exchange for his daughter. According to Aynaz, her new “husband” soon took to…

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