Zuckerberg Announces Return to Free Speech on Facebook: “Too Many Mistakes and Too Much Censorship”
“We’re going to get rid of fact-checkers and replace them with community notes similar to X…”
Great News for Long-Suffering Canadians
“Trudeau was perhaps the most woke and progressive leader of Canada to date. Be it radical climate policies, or the usual alphabet people madness, or his fixation on the pro-death agenda, he was fully into it all.”
30 Classic Quotes on Education by Thomas Sowell
“The idea that taxpayers owe it to you to pay for what you want suggests that much of today’s education fails to instill reality, and instead panders to a self-centered sense of entitlement to what other people have earned.”
What Is the Welfare of Our Nation?
“Neglect of understanding where our core values come from is leading to a fracturing. That is because of the mistake in the dominant ‘multiculturalism’ logic. It has not been discerned that values are derived from beliefs, and beliefs reflect in what we put our faith.”
True Christianity Fosters Nationalism
“While immature and seriously uninformed Christians today argue online that Christianity has no connection to nationalism, missionaries of the past were leaps and bounds ahead of them in fostering nationalism as a direct result of their Gospel preaching.”
Feminism is Wearing Women Out
“How could women not burn out in a culture that expects them to be both nurturers and providers at the same time?”
Sacrificing Freedom for Safety: How a Godless Nation Is Ripe for Exploitation
“Whether it’s enforcing lockdowns to protect the elderly or pushing for Digital IDs to secure the young, those pursuing power will never let a crisis go to waste.”
The Bloated Bureaucracy Blues
“The urgent need to tackle and dismantle bureaucracies is ever with us.”
A City Upon a Hill
May God truly make America Great Again.
This Really Has Been an Incredible Political Landslide
“Living on lies, hatred, and ultra-hardcore leftist talking points – buttressed by brainless celebs – was NOT what the American people were interested in.”
Candace Owens Cancelled
“She appears to have done the impossible and united Israelis and Palestinians around a common cause: gagging a black mother of three because ‘racism!'”
Students at “Inclusive” Christian School Told to Remove “Offensive” Christian Crosses
“As is almost always the case in the West today, all worldviews, beliefs, religions, and ideologies are just fine – except Christianity.”
Do All Roads Lead to God?
“Pope Francis, once again, has landed himself in hot water by stating that there are many roads to God – not just Christianity.”
An Immigrant’s Love Letter to the West
“Diversity has long ceased being a noble cause. It’s been a business for some time and is now rapidly becoming a government-funded, media-supported, propaganda-driven, shameless racket.”
Australian Pro-Life Advocate Wins Academic Freedom Case Against Pro-Abortion Activists
“I’m doing this for our freedoms, for all Australians who are sick and tired of the bullying and the harassment of the radical left who expect us all to comply with their Woke religion.”
Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda
“There have been deliberate attempts made to undermine the gospel and the churches and to see them replaced with fake gospels and fake churches. And this even involves some well-known evangelicals.”
The Problem With Multiculturalism
“What happens when an imported culture that doesn’t subscribe to the ideals of multiculturalism begins to gain dominance over the host culture, either through mass immigration or a higher birth rate?”
Far-Left UK PM’s Fearmongering About the Far-Right Is Marxist Misdirection
“This all portrays a Leftwing movement with no real idea how to respond to the crocodile they’ve politely fed for decades, hoping it’d never eat them.”
The RNC: Reflections and Highlights So Far
“The Republicans are fully united behind Trump. The Democrats are fully united behind Biden – but united in wanting to get rid of him!”
UK Nurses Fight to Remove Faux Females From Female-Only Change Rooms
“Adding insult to injury, the biological male identifying as a female, apparently offered to properly school the University educated women as part of their re-education process…”