48 search results for "deeming"

“Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you!”

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“Sadly, there is way too much silence in the Liberal party. But what we saw last week was far worse than silence. Deeming was being punished for speaking up for girls’ and women’s safety. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, she knows the risks of biological males being given access to girls’ and women’s spaces.”

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“The hypocrite in chief, who has weaponised law enforcement against political opponents, said, he stands for ‘rejecting political extremism and rejecting political violence.'”

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“Apparently, if you think that men and women are not fully interchangeable, that marriage is not open to any combination, and that killing babies in the womb is just plainly wrong, you will have no future in the Liberal Party of Victoria.”

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“The proposal comes without any evidence The Voice will help Indigenous Australians.”

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“Politics can often bring out the worst in people. We had this on full display with Pesutto. But politics can often bring out the best in people. We had this on full display with Deeming.”

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“The street preacher was found guilty by a Magistrates court, then made to pay a £620 fine and complete 80 hours of community service.”

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The leftist Libs really are toast – long live Moira Deeming.

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A group of women legally gathered to speak about women’s rights in Australia. That gathering was crashed by a group of males. Politicians and the media are now refusing to listen to that group of women. Instead, they’re now insisting that the group of males now represent and speak for those women. And to make matters worse, the women are now being held responsible for the actions of the men. Let Women Speak, indeed!

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“Lessons on tolerance were being replaced with lessons on inclusion. It wasn’t enough anymore to just accept each other’s differences with respect. Now students were required to affirm and celebrate beliefs they did not share.”

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“As Christianity declines in the West, the old pagan ideas of the powerful or government owning people’s bodies are coming back. It’s our job to resist that…”

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“At this rate, Dan Andrews might reach retirement age before being voted out.”

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“As is often the case, emotional reasoning tramples facts, and the very people exhibiting hate are those who say they’re fighting against it.”

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“This is a clear message to conservative voters that the Liberal Party doesn’t want them,” Finn said.

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“What the hell is going on in this state when 10-year-old girls are told to go home and talk to your father about his erections and about his ejaculations? What the hell is going on here?!”

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“This means as of January 8, 2022, it will be against the law to preach, teach, or counsel regarding God’s design for marriage and sexuality.”

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“Despite our many advances in sanctification, there will always be an enormous abyss between our holiness now and our holiness in glory. However, death is not the alpha point of transformative holiness in Christ.”

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“My creeping assumption is that this government and all other governments like it, need to be reminded that they exist to protect human rights, not blackmail us with them.”

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“Religious discrimination is acceptable in Australia if authorised by Ministers and parliaments,” lawyers said.

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Internationally renowned COVID-19 expert, Jayanta Bhattacharya, Professor of Medicine at Stanford University in California has provided an independent expert report in support of the action brought forward by the plaintiffs.

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