1333 search results for "Trans"

“The six-year-old was removed from her care, then sentenced to a foster home for the two-year duration of his State-sanctioned treatment.”

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“No truth is more evident to my mind…”

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“We are the Communists now. We now live in the anti-free world. We now live in the world that rejects national sovereignty, and promotes globalized empire. We now live in the world that rejects political speech, but promotes degraded speech and calls it free speech. We now live in the world where Christianity is under increasing attack and is being increasingly sidelined.”

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“…courts would be given the authority to remove children from their homes if their parents refused to accept LGBTQ+ ideology.”

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“…they want to wear down voters by infecting them with ‘Trump fatigue.'”

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“…this could potentially mean a Drag Queen is allowed to teach biology in a secondary school, whereas a pro-life biologist is not.”

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“Rather than teaching the true roles of men and women, the Church has almost universally capitulated to Gender Gnostic teachings.”

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“On the back of George Floyd, Black Lives Matter logged a massive USD $76.9 million in contributions and grants.”

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“I homeschool because I have seen the village and I don’t want it raising my child.”

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“Eventually, the ruse will be revealed, and everybody will see our current cultural trend for what it is: a rotting corpse.”

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“We have to put a stop to the woke mind virus that is destroying our sense of community.”

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“Social media giants, with all of their billions of dollars, have demonstrated that wrong-speak cannot be policed with either a fair or consistent approach. A prevailing ideology always ends up punishing religious dissent while pardoning the sins of their own.”

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“Too many Christians have some very foggy notions about what the Bible in general and Jesus, in particular, have to say about wealth, work and economics.”

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“The PRIDE line features PRIDE flag onesies for infants, and bathing suits to encourage boys to be girls through ‘tucking,’ and girls to be boys by providing ‘extra crotch coverage.'”

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“Sutcliffe praised a group of students during a maths lesson, stating, ‘Well done, girls.'”

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“The former Morrison government, under domestic terrorism response protocols, sought out cyber censorship of COVID related content 4,213 times.”

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“It is women who are overwhelmingly the losers when it comes to the assault on marriage and the push for sexual liberation.”

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“Apparently, if you think that men and women are not fully interchangeable, that marriage is not open to any combination, and that killing babies in the womb is just plainly wrong, you will have no future in the Liberal Party of Victoria.”

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“Christianity is not just responsible for helping create Western civilisation, it is also responsible for creating the nations of Europe and giving them their sense of national, rather than simply tribal, identity.”

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“Some sanity has entered the hallowed halls of Westminster.”

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