Popular children’s television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will introduce their young viewers to a lesbian couple in an upcoming episode titled, The Last Crusade.
Aunty Holiday and Auntie Lofty first made an appearance in the book Ponyville Mysteries: Riddle of the Rusty Horseshoe back in 2017.
At the time, Michael Vogel, one of the writers, shared an image of the “cute couple” on Twitter. When asked if the two female ponies were lesbians, Vogel replied: “Well they aren’t sisters so…”
What a cute couple!!!!! https://t.co/h7EroakFpQ
— mktoon (@mktoon) October 11, 2017
When asked again if he was saying they were actually lesbians, Vogel went on to clarify: “When I say ‘cute couple’ I’m saying that Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty are a cute couple. Yes.”
On Monday Vogel celebrated the inclusion of the lesbian characters in the upcoming episode by saying, he and the two other writers are “doin’ what we can to bring EQuality to EQuestria! #PrideMonth”
Hey hey!!! @NicoleDubuc , @joshhaber and I doin what we can to bring more EQuality to EQuestria!! #PrideMonth https://t.co/YPOvvxT3v0
— mktoon (@mktoon) June 10, 2019
The decision to write a lesbian couple into the story comes a month after PBS aired an episode of Arthur featuring the same-sex wedding of one of the show’s popular characters.
These writers have an agenda. They’re entirely open about that fact. They want our kids to think as they do and we give them that platform and influence every time we allow them to entertain our children.
The days of innocent children’s cartoons are officially over. Sadly, it has been for a while now. More than ever, parents need to be aware of what their children are watching and the messages that are being communicated through seemingly innocent, children’s programs.